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Intellectual Properties???

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 5:52 pm
by Freakystone
Ok, so we know that ATK has bought some parts and that is good news but it is not all the news.

Who has or might buy the intellectual properties? That is what will ultimately determine the longevity and future of Cannondale.

I've heard Dinli

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 7:26 pm
by Ryanstones
from several varied sources.
Lot's of disinformation out there though.
We'll see.

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 7:46 pm
by dawzie
Someone at the last NEATV race at Southwick Ma. said that Honda bought the rights to the frame. Can anyone confirm or disagree with this ??

I would hate to think that Honda would do this just to keep another quad maker from being able to reproduce our great quads and taking more of there market share (YFZ450)

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 8:51 pm
by Freakystone
Originally posted by dawzie
Someone at the last NEATV race at Southwick Ma. said that Honda bought the rights to the frame. Can anyone confirm or disagree with this ??

I would hate to think that Honda would do this just to keep another quad maker from being able to reproduce our great quads and taking more of there market share (YFZ450)

No Way! First off, Honda has proven their ability to make a great aluminum frame in the CR's. Second, there is now way that the arogant Japanese would swallow their pride and buy 3 year old technology. No Way!

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 7:34 am
by cannondale27
Oh really?I believe the Honda aluminum frame has been redesigned at least three times.Also we need to call the Cannondale frames what they are.They are a Handbuilt frame every one ever sold.They werent built by a robot.Also the front of the frame is a box on a quad this adds a whole bunch of problems when welding aluminum every weld pulls on the opposite and so forth.This isnt a factor on a bike frame.I believe if Yamaha or Honda could have the profit margin they have with a steel frame and meet demand and quality they would.Problem is they are to greedy and still dont recognize that ATV'ers want the highest tech possible.