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Subliminal Messages

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 12:37 am
by LapTraffic
I dont know how many of you in here are married, you probably have to be to see the humor in something like this.

A while back I changed gears on my wife from a Z400 to Cannondale. Now if you're married, changing your mind automatically opens the door to conflict, I think it's in the vows that "Thou shalt not change thy mind" Especially when the thing you changed to cost 1500 bucks more than a retail Z400.

She was NOT happy to say the least, not to mention the fact I was probably "Going to KILL myself on that THING!!" I thought the test ride at Graves in Washington would win her over when she witnessed in person the raw horse power and superior craftsmanship of the Cannondale.

"HOW BOUT THAT RAW HORSEPOWER AND SUPERIOR CRAFTSMANSHIP HUH?!?!" I said gunning the throttle with a crazed look on my face.

"What!?!? It sounds like there's marbles in the crankcase... is it going to blow up?"

"HAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaa" I said popping the clutch and tearing an Impromptu wheelie across the parking lot and down the alley.

That's where the "You're going to Kill yourself" nonsense started... women...

She walked away from the test ride thoroghly entrenched in NOT getting the Dale. citing too much money and death as her primary concerns

So at anyrate, most single guys would have dumped her for something younger and more agreeable and bought the dale, but since I kinda like her, despite her obvious flaws, I decided on a different tactic.

I work in California through the week and have for the last year. She lives in Washington. I get home about 3 weekends a month. So most of our 'time' together is on the cell phone as we commute to work 1000 miles apart.

I called her on the way in awhile back:


"Hey babe"

"Hi how ya doin?" She replied

"Fine, Just heading to work."

This conversation could be recorded and replayed on anyday and it would be identical, it's almost a ritual, but today I used her complacency at our banal conversataion and finished my sentence by barely whispering

"What?" She replied

"Nothing babe, just said I was heading to work...... (Cannondale) "

"...... oh, So what are you going to do today?"

"Work, and then drive over to Mike's for dinner...(Cannondale) "

"Are you saying something?"

Yeah, is the connect bad? I said I was going to Mike's for dinner... (Cannondale)"

"I heard the part about Mike's... it sounded like you got cut off at the end and I missed the last part"

"Huh... I wonder if cell phones can get lines crossed?...(Cannondale) "

"...I dont know I must be tired or something..."

"You dont get enough sleep Kimosabe (pet name) you really need to get more rest...(Cannondale) "

"There it was again, it sounds like a whisper but I cant make it out."

"Wierd... I wonder if we should switch cell phones to AT&T, Sprint is kinda flakey... (Cannondale) "

"...yeah... (obviously perplexed) ...Sprint kinda sucks"


This conversation lasted the whole way to work and I got at least 30 Cannondale's in before she finally caught on. But the damage had already been done. The subliminal message had been ingrained in her noggin And now we're getting a DALE!

Underhanded? Deceitful? You do what you have to smile.gif


Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 1:19 am
by Ryanstones
OH dude, that some funny stuff. I called my wife in to read it to her. She was not nearly as amused but said it was 'precious' You know they don't like to think we might be smarter than them wink.gif

Great work, she probably even thinks it's her idea!

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 3:49 am
by Mjollnir

That is hilarious, Lap. I read it to my wife too, she thought it was really funny too because we went through EXACTLY the same thing, right down to the Z400 changing to Cannondale.

The difference for me was that I didn't need subliminal messages, because getting the 'dale was her idea. She didn't like the yellow of the Z, but dug the stars and stripes on the dale. Woohoo!


Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 5:27 am
by JeffQuadShop wife doesn't even know what I ride!

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 6:24 pm
by NRath
That's hilarious!! I'll be sharing it with my wife when I get a chance- she'll like it.

That was some good reading- thanks for sharing it with us!

My wife was definitely not too impressed when I wanted to switch from my "perfectly good" Warrior to the 'dale. I didn't have to go subliminal, but it took an awful lot of talking! If your wife is like mine, and your heart is really in the 'dale- that's what you'll get.

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2002 4:16 am
by jcv440
THat's a classic! My fiance was rollin on the floor over that one...

She's pretty much given up when I plan on making an atv related purchase, but after the machine is in the garage is when I get heck. She does a couple of laps around the machine once a month..."That's new" "That's new" "Where did you get this from?" "Why do you need 6 pairs of goggles, 4 pairs of pants, 9 jerseys, and 11 pairs of gloves? You can only wear one of each at a time!?" wink.gif

Women just don't understand....

The wife says...

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2002 5:16 am
by Mjollnir
jcv, I get the same thing. Let's see, I get...

"Why do you need another ____?"
"How much was that?"
"I know you didn't buy that."
"What's wrong with the ___ you have?"
"Didn't you just buy one of those?"
"How is this one different?"
"What the heck is that for?"
"I'm going to lock out EBay."
"Hey, what the heck is this (credit card) charge for?"
"Don't you already have a ___."
"What's wrong with the cheaper one?"
"The money in the change jar is for vacation, not tires."

That's all I can come up with on the spot. biggrin.gif

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2002 6:24 pm
by NRath
That's a pretty good list, Marc!

My wife read the post and said that sounds exactly like something I would do! She thought it was cute and laughed.

Unfortunately, for the sake of keeping the marriage happy, I usually run all my purchases by my wife before making them. Then I have to convince her how bad I need it!