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Does anyone have a charging problem???

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2002 1:31 am
by NRath
Memory serves that we've got 2 members that had a recurring charging problem. Stand Up and be heard!

I don't mean those that had a problem and have fixed it per a technical bulletin, like myself. Let's hear from all owners- You charging okay?

Me- It's fine now.

And to make it interesting, what's the one favorite thing about your 'dale?

Me- the "HANDMADE power IN power THE power USA" sticker

I hope the trick from our subliminal buddy in Cali worked.

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2002 1:42 am
by Cannibal440
Not yet.....

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2002 9:48 pm
by NittroT
I had my rectifyer regulator replaced and now i have no more problems keeping it charged

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2002 6:04 am
by NRath
from the wheels up

I'm going to assume you weren't including the wheels, since I spent about an hour last night trying to beat one of them back to round!! I've got to work on the other one tomorrow!