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New to Cannondale's some ??'s

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 6:18 am
by exrider
Im looking to buy a new 2003 cannondale soon. From what I have heard there is alot of problems with makes me a little worried. Can anyone explain some of the normal problems that I will have to deal with? Right now I have a 400ex and it is basically trouble free and always reliable. I know the cannondale's are a different bike but I dont want to be spending all my time and money fixing it. Any info will help thanks

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 7:35 am
by 440EX4ME
Take a few minutes and read thru the many threads on here and you will find there isnt much to worry about once you know how to look at the "big picture".

No quad or any machine is perfect and when you put as much an emphasis on performance as c-dale did you will need to pay more attention to properly taking care of it and paying attention to a few areas etc.

I know you will get some great answers in this thread but I have done the same allready in previous posted info on here so why wait, and you may even find you will have more precise questions etc.

Just an idea but think of it this way, if you modded your EX to be on a sinilar level in performance as the dale you would be needing to pay more attention to most of the same maintenence routines and the main difference I see with my friends dales and my 440 is that some of the checks and changes are just a little different from the more performance oriented design of the dale. I remember the first time I saw the plastics coming off to check the plug and was watching crosseyed, but its part of the program.

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 2:16 pm
by Jaybr
The vast majority of the problems where fixed by updates released by the factory or are FI tuning issues. If you get a new quad from ATK or one of the reputable dealers on this site, the updates will be done. One major cause of problems was unbalanced cranks in some of the motors, this caused excess vibration which leads to other problems.

If you buy one that that doesn't have the updates, do them yourself and you won't have problems.

I reccomend that if you buy a Cannondale you also get the D&M kit for FI tuning. You can get any tuning info you need on this site.

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 6:45 am
by exrider
thanks anyone else?...what are all these electrical problems people are having? this due to the fact that people are getting water where it doesnt belong? and also how well does the d&m kit determine problems it has and is it worth it.

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 11:24 am
by cannibalq8
check this out

no need to buy new one and update it