Dark Day In Philly

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Dark Day In Philly

#1 Post by Derno24 »

I know we always discuss ATV's here, but man does it suck to live in Philly now.

The whole story:

For those who don't know I work for the local Fox televsion affiliate. I work in engineering. Fancy term for studio worker and day to day operations. Anyway, every so often we get calls to work on the network sporting events in our area. Well on wednesday I recieved a call asking me if I would like to work at the Eagles NFC championship game. Me being a big football fan and a diehard Philadelphian I couldn't pass this up. I was asking for the call time before the lady could finish asking. The work that I was doing was working on the field pulling cables. Sounds tougher than it actually is. I stood around 95% of the game at the 30 yard line just watching the game. I have been to many Eagles games, but never a championship game before. Heck Philly has only been to 4 in the last 30 years. The place was electric. Unbelievable hearing 67,000 fans yelling there lungs out for the home team. If you didn't know the Eagles threw up another stinker and lost. Man you could have heard a pin drop towards the end.

Man it is sad to be a Philadelphian. I know some people would say it is good just to have gotten there. Well let me tell you it isn't. They have been there the last 3 years. Year 1 no one expected it and no heartache when they lost. Year 2 they were as talented as Tampa, but were severely out coached and in our own house for it's last game (Very painful). This year still shouldn't have been there, but made it. The defense showed up, but the Offense was no where to be seen.

Oh well I just had to vent, but at least I watched the entire game from the field at the 30 yard line and got paid to do it.

I will be posting some pics if they turned out.

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#2 Post by pdavis »

well last year, being a bucs fan and living in the tampa area, i was nervous going into last years game, and all last years game came down to was a play here and there that philly couldnt match, this year with my bucs out of it i was rooting for philly, but they still couldnt pull it off, it will be hard to get there next year cuz i think they will lose some players to Free agency, it is hard to get there 4 years in a row, unfortunatly, thats how coaches lose there jobs, just and former bucs head coach Tony Dungy who was fired cuz he couldnt win in philly

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#3 Post by cannondale27 »

You think you are bummed.At least they made it there us Cheeseheads really had our hopes up.Maybe next year.

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#4 Post by Derno24 »

Man I hear both you guys, but to be there 3 years and to not have made it at all kills. What every philly fan know is our recievers are mediocre at best and it is one or two players carrying the team offensively.

Next year will be good for the fans. A reality check because if what i think happens the bottom will fall out on Reid.

Tampa won those important plays, because they outcoached philly across the boards.

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#5 Post by Derno24 »

I got more pics where this came from

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#6 Post by Derno24 »

Let's try again

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#7 Post by Derno24 »


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#8 Post by Derno24 »

More pics. I wanted you guys to feel like you were there. I bet you are wondering what the heck is this. It is the IMAX camera. I felt bad for the guy carrying the power pack and record unit. It weighs over 100 lbs. He had a backpack style thing on. He looked so ticked by the end of the game.

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#9 Post by Derno24 »


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#10 Post by Derno24 »

Sorry about the quality I took them with a disposable and scanned them in.

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