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Just Sold My Soul

Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 4:38 am
by Psychosis
Well, I hate to say it but I did it. :cry: As of June 12th I will be riding red on a new TRX450R. I had talked before but didn't think my dealer was serious. Showed up today and the owner (who I've known for years and am very good friends w/) asked me if I wanted to talk on what we'd discussed before. Well, after getting ahold of the family and talking for a couple hours, the deal was made and contract signed. I don't have to race till the 12th but can earlier. They just wanted a little time to practice and then race it after that.

I am now officially riding for my local Honda shop aboard a TRX450R and a CRF250R. Both brand new and set up to what I need. The quad will have HRC kit, exhaust, nerfs, tires, rims, and various other items installed; and the bike will also be getting an exhaust, filter, etc. The deal also includes an enclosed trailer to haul w/for just under $10k total as well as all parts at dealer invoice. I'd rather go w/a Yamaha combo but they said they couldn't do that but never really wanted to get into why on that.

The bike will be ready by next weekend they said, the quad around the same time or shortly after, and the trailer they didn't know. I know the quad isn't as good as my Dale but I can't take it anymore. I'm spending atleast $100 EVERY single race for something wrong like brake lines, starter clutch gear, shock problems, etc. This way I get it all cheap and full service done locally. The Dale will be officially for sale but it WILL NOT BE MY LAST! I will be back w/an ATK or something sometime. I'll have the Cannibal until it sells but w/the cash I'm paying I could use it soon. Really hate to do it but I think you can all see why. This was very sudden and will be a huge help.

Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 11:18 am
by bknight
good for you and good luck

Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 10:55 pm
by thunderwolf
Congrats on getting the ride and good luck with your racing.:head:

Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 6:41 am
by cannibalq8
Goog luck with ur new TRX450R. let us know ur results ..dude smile.gif

Posted: Sun May 09, 2004 12:20 am
by lol
Originally posted by bknight
good for you and good luck

Posted: Sun May 09, 2004 12:31 am
by hnnblehscnnble
why man.i mean its ur SOUL but why honda?we'll miss ya in the cannondale community, and does this mean ur getting rid of ur dale?not being a vulture but if u r then pm me.but, good luck to ya and hope it all works out!biggrin.gif

Posted: Sun May 09, 2004 5:59 am
by Psychosis
I will be getting rid of the Dale. Can't afford to keep it and the R. It's Honda b/c that's what I was offered. I'm not pro and don't consider myself anywhere near the top so I'll take what I'm offered. The quad will be home before next weekend I've been told now. It will only have HRC kit installed and the rest will have to be done by me but oh well.

Locally it's only taken one day to get an offer for $5500 w/out MX front/rear end so I won't be selling it online. I'll be riding/racing both until the Dale's gone but I don't think I'll have much problem there from the interest around here.

Posted: Sun May 09, 2004 10:25 pm
by thomez
Congrats man - I'd ride a Blaster if I got a deal like that...

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 1:54 am
by haydug
Great Job, I wish I could find a deal like that somewhere. All the dealers here think sponsorship is a joke, 20% off on parts, and the bike at $300 over cost and they are doing you a huge favor. :confused:

Anyway, don't leave the forum, keep us informed on your new Honda's, and list the mods, and keep us up to date on your racing. The great thing about these guys, they are all good people(even though they will hammer on you if something goes wrong with it)

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 2:18 am
by quad_freak14
nice! What dealer is it?