Looking for Nerfs

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Looking for Nerfs

#1 Post by CptHook »

Well I just got my new standard x-factor nerfs today, but they were a little different than what I had pictured, I found this picture of what it will look like with them installed, notice the large gap between the front of the bar and the tire, I cant picture these nerfs doing a whole lot for protecting against wheel lock with other riders because of thier size. Does anyone know where I can get nerfs that are made larger and will extend to where I have pointed on the picture, sort of like the design of the moto nerfs? Haydug has told me that AC is no longer producing nerfs for the dale, and the other x-factors are on backorder for 6-8 weeks and although I am happy with how quick I recieved them and the great service I got, they just arent what I was hoping for. Any help would be appreciated.

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#2 Post by CptHook »

Sorry, forgot to post the pic

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#3 Post by CdaleRacer0128 »

call whoever you got them from and see if you can return them for the pro peg version, they go through the frame holes just as you want them too. Also, OEM nerfs do the same, as do AC racing nerfs and propeg nerfs..everything goes the way you want, except the ones you got..sorry

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#4 Post by CdaleRacer0128 »

oops missed the part about the OEM and XFACTOR, well you got graydon regulars, go get graydon propegs, same EXACT thing as xfactor nerfs..

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#5 Post by USAMoto00 »

Good answer.:usa

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#6 Post by CptHook »

ok cool, well I got them through haydug, so Ill see what I can do

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#7 Post by CdaleRacer0128 »

i'm sure if you explain yourself haydug will be happy to make you happier with your purchase..he's a nice guy

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#8 Post by haydug »

Graydon are the same as X-factor yes, but they have been out of dale nerfs for a year or so. The other option on this would be to cut and lenthen your nerfs now, I have done this in the past and you can't tell where it is done. Not sure if you want to go that route, but currently we are out of options for buying new dale nerfs. :cry:

Unless someone knows of some that I don't.

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#9 Post by CdaleRacer0128 »

maybe you can find stock nerfs someplace? i know they were hard for me to find when i needed them back way in march of 03 but maybe al il easier now..or check out ebay i can recall a set going and on here someone sold a set of xfactor pro pegs

also, if eurogod ever shows up from being MIA he was sopossed ot make a set of awesome nerfs..don't know what happened to him or those idea's though:confused:

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#10 Post by TurboJay »

I think R&S has some in stock. Just have to call and check. 812-279-5833

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