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Wistechs Vac,ATK,Dunes,New Friends

Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 7:03 pm
by wistech
First off I'd like to thank Henry ,Jordy,Erin,Carl,Glade,their wives and girlfriends, Frank and the out standing staff at ATK. If I missed anyone I apologize . You guys helped make this one of the most memorable vacations ever. :clap:

Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 7:18 pm
by wistech
After nearly a 24 hour drive we arived at Sandstorms house ,resting up on the deck enjoying the incredible view of the mountains . Then it was off to the ATK factory for the barbeque . It was great to meet Frank and hammer the techs with all my annoying questions . Thanks Cord for all the great info about the engines . They even had my new rear fender waiting for me to pick up. I wish I had brought my camera and taken some pics.

Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 7:26 pm
by wistech
The next day was off to Little Sahara for some great duning. I might add this is the first time I have ever got to ride with other Cannondales since I purchased my first one almost 2 years ago so it was very special for me. The red one on the end was one we found a couple of girls cruising around the campsite on . They were having trouble getting it started so we pretty much took it away from them and did a little tuning. LOL You better get out of the way with Dale owners on a mission.:hammer: :wow

Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 7:41 pm
by wistech
We had a little Dale only race up one of the really steep sides of sand mountain. That must have sounded pretty cool. I do have a quick time vid of me doing this hill if anyone wants to check it out I could email it to ya.

Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 7:47 pm
by Jaybr
Originally posted by wistech
We had a little race up one of the really steep sides of sand mountain. That must have sounded pretty cool. I do have a quick time vid of me doing this hill if anyone wants to check it out I could email it to ya.

Wistech, email me the vid and I'll post it on our video page

Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 7:50 pm
by wistech
Heres Budda wonding what he is going to have to do his yfz now that he was beat by Sandstorm up sand mountain. Maybe the Cannondale killer decal should be removed. LOL I kid ,I kid The airtime display by Sandstorm on the evening ride was most impressive. Now we know what it takes to actually bend a cannibal axle. Wheel spacers ,lots of air and a pilot **** bent for glory . Outstanding:clap: get those pics posted on here to.

Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 7:54 pm
by wistech
This is one of the Atk quads that came out for the desert race. That puppy was set up.

Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 8:06 pm
by wistech
Heres a beauty , and the Dale looks good to.

The low point

Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 8:32 pm
by wistech
After changing the oil on Silvertoad before we came out I found some curled steel shavings in the filter. Yep it looked like bad news. I was just going to use it as a spare quad but it was so tempting to ride it and the guys wanted to see it so we pulled it out of the van for the evening ride. It ran great but the knobby tires were not much fun in the sand. I ended up running it at redline the whole time just to keep up with the group. The next day was time to pay the price. I noticed it had a little more knock to it when we went out and had to turn the idle up to keep it running. Well on the back side of sand mountain while at max power the crankshaft gave up the ghost. It welded itself tight to the rod and came to a screeching halt. This motor was a bone stock 02 with around 200 hours on it before going in the Moto plus the 15 hours I put in after the chassis buildup. I apreciate the effort of Sandstorm and Fyremedic in rescuing it from the dunes. Good job guys. I was a little bummed out but now I have an excuse to finnaly do a buildup on one of these engines.

Off to Idaho

Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 8:45 pm
by wistech
Saturday night we met up with a couple of buddies from WI. Sunday morning we were at St Anthonys dunes. We had a great ride but the new guys had a couple of close calls on the dunes. My best freind was going at full speed towards us up the front side of thunder mountain and never noticed a witcheye he was headed for . We waved him off and he finnaly noticed just in time to skid up to the edge of the hole. That surely would have been a tradgedy had he not stopped. He rode with much more caution the rest of the week.