stock moto stems aren't good

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stock moto stems aren't good

#1 Post by MotoRacer »

I believe they are arens stems that come stock on the moto. While at the MX track, I rolled my moto SO GENTLY going around a corner. I mean it was so gentle that if i was on the other side of the bike(the way it was falling), i could have catched it and stood it back up. It BARELY rolled onto the handlebars, and the stem bent about 2 inches to the right. The TAG bars are perfect, not even a scratch on anything else. I just couldn't beleive these stem bend this easy. Im calling Walsh monday to order a new one.


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#2 Post by AlaskaSpeed »

Are you sure the Moto comes stock with an Arens stem? Even if it does, I will never understand how publicly bad-mouthing a specific company does anyone any good. Why not call Arens and find out if in fact it is one of their stems? Then, once you find out it is you can possibly discuss some options for resolution. If you find out it isn't, at least you won't be uselessly spreading rumors. Just a thought.....JIM

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#3 Post by Redman »

I rolled and flipped my cannibal going 60 mph. My stock bars were bent to my knees but my stem was only tweaked. It was junk but I thought it held up admirabal. I would think the moto stem would be a little stronger though. Sorry to hear.

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#4 Post by MotoRacer »

as far as for the local dealer..they are arens stems on a stock moto. Im not bad-mouthing them. I was just upset that it bent so easily.

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