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Worst thing you ever did to a quad?

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 6:28 pm
by Happyboy
OK, its story time... What is the worst thing that you ever put your quad through?

I had a warrior about a year ago that I would completely beat to he11. We were on a group ride one time with a bunch of 4x4 quads that loved mudding. I of course will do anything once, or twice if i didn't make it the first time. We were in a stream crossing(20 yards wide) where we playing in the water, wheelies etc.... Well a bunch of the 4x4s went way off to a high point in the water that dropped off to about 4-5 feet deep. They would just go in and stay on it and barely make it across. Well, I wanted to try it. All I could here were the gurgling sounds of my quad as it went under. I don't mean partly under or most of the way under. My buddies all laughed and said that it completely submarined. Well I hopped off of it and it floated back up. I pushed it out of the water and drained the box, completely drowned it out. It would turn over so I got pull started. You should have heard that thing, it sounded sooooo bad until that K&N filter dried out some. I miss that little warrior. I blew it up at little sahara last year. But, I will add that story later.


Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 6:37 pm
by CdaleRacer0128
Took a polaris trailblazer to my friends mx track and tried to some jumps with two of us on there, doing paired riding, we did really well because we were too small to control the quad, but both of us cuold handle it. Well went off a triple sideways and flipped it over possibly 5 times down a hill next to us..we were out of the way, but the quad was pretty F'ed UP!:confused:

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 10:10 pm
by TheJaspMan
Tried to follow my brother in law up a really steep climb out of a creekbed. He had years of riding experience and I was a three month rookie on a two stroke.

When I got to the top of the lip I accidently nailed it in the middle of the powerband. The quad shot up about 15 feet into the air and I fell 7 feet back down into the creek. I landed flat on my back and thank God the quad landed at the top.

We had only been riding for 15 minutes and I was soaking wet and bruised. It turns out that was only the first of three really bad rolls that day. To bad I was involved in all of them! :mad:

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 10:11 pm
by TheJaspMan
And here is another one only moments later. Let's just say that a quad can roll side to side AND front to back if you are an idiot not being careful!!

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 10:44 pm
by garysol1
I wheelied my sons old lt-50 and fell on my *** front of my neighbers

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 11:59 pm
by jfarrar
i got to watch my 89 250r flip and flip and flip down a steep rocky 300ft hill in hillsville pa.bent the frame,stem,axle,exhaust handlebars basically was a pretzle.i wasabout 5 feet from the crest when i made a mistake with the clutch and it wheelied.i wanted to cry but felt much better when my friend tried to climb the same hill moments later and got to watch his 400ex(5hrs old) flip down.lmao.showoffs:(

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 12:10 am
by garysol1
I used to love Hillsville.I never had the nuts to climb the hill there though.

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 5:39 am
by 4punksdad
the worst thing I ever did was let my friends ride my quads.

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 2:37 am
by cdalerider77
stupidest thing i have done was play chicken with my brother with a polaris 400 sportsman and 86 honda 125 sport trax. we were both just messin around but neither 1 of us turned away and the polaris hit the front of the honda and went into a barrel roll it fliped like 5 times. the polaris was all messed up and the honda didnt have a scratch on it.

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 9:18 pm
by CDaleChick
Wasnt the worst thing in the world but I was running my cannondale at my favorite track and there were these two guys on these brand new stock 400exs out there, they were slower riders and they kept to the right side, but all of a sudden one decided to get more in the left/middle of the track i was already in the air over this table and i was going to land on him so i hit the brakes and nosedived into the jump and rolled off the landing of the jump (ouch) I jumped up so fast and I was HOT MAD! They came up and were asking are you ok??? And i was like yes but my quad looks a bit messed up and you almost got landed on, i told them that they shouldnt go out in front of a faster quad/bike like that or some people WILL land on them..they were lucky i decided not to.....i was so mad at them. Damage done to the quad.....cracked plastics, a LOT of bent stuff (steering stem, handlebars, etc), messed up the air filter cage, tore up my ECU tray, broke some connectors to the ECU.....and the guy didnt have to pay for anything and he was the dummy who couldnt hold a line worth anything :mad: they were lucky that the carbon fiber headlight deletes werent ruined, those thankfully just got the teeniest chip in them