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Recipe for trail blazing

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2003 4:03 am
by LapTraffic
The area we ride behind our house is all old reprod, meaning it's been logged and replanted sometime in the past and is timber company land.

Trails in the area start as old logging roads or skidder trails and then folks start linking these roads up. Some are very old.

We decided to make a new trail through a bowl thats a little over 1/2mile long. The reprod is very thick and tough to initially navigate but once you put the base trail down, a couple mre passes and it's gonna be there forever.

Here is our recipie for trail blazing.

2 4x4 quads and one 350+ guy with an afinity for Bud Light

You show this guy the beer and pretend like youre going to offer it to him... he will start salivating

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2003 4:06 am
by LapTraffic
then, just as he reaches for it, run into the reprod, be fast and dont look back.

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2003 4:09 am
by LapTraffic
it's pretty thick as I said and I didnt get a picture of it done, but it blows through the deafall and undergrowth pretty easy and you're left with a nice trail. It was a challenge on the cannondale until the second pass when we'd cleared some of the old logs, then you could sail on it.

Here's Jason bustin through on a Prarie 360

trail blazing

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2003 5:46 pm
by atvrulz
I was making a trail last weekend around the parameter of some land i own. It is going to be a hairscramble practice track. I use a chain saw and keep going over it on a yamaha grizzly. It is alot of work though, when the woods are thick. It is worth it though, to have a kick *** trail.

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2003 6:21 pm
by LapTraffic
we were going to use a chain saw, you can see in the last picture how thick this stuff iis, instead we just weaved around the trees, made it a great trail. If the 4x4 can go through it once you dont need to cut anything, the repeat trips will work down to dirt and smooth out any rough spots.

Take pictures of your practice track and post them. How many acres are you playing with?

We're going to set up a course and race eachother, just informal 'who buys the beer' kind of thing but it will be fun. I want very badly to make a hill climb out of this bowl, It's very steep and I need to climb it smile.gif

trail blazing

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2003 6:58 pm
by atvrulz
Im an old phucker just like you, born same year.
I have 280 acres and will be racing all the district 23 hairscrambles
and most mx events. I figure i have about one good year left so i am going all out to be very competitive by having my own hairscramble track and mx tracks. I am on a pretty strict weight lifting and running schedule so when the season starts i can beat all the youngsters up here in minnesota. I am buying a cannondale in march and will begin training on it by doing multiple laps to get endurance up for the first race of the year on april 6.
Really addicted to quads. I had to use a chainsaw when making my trails, since the trees are so thick.

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2003 7:13 pm
by Jaybr
I've got 70 acres we started an MX track on last summer, going to do the woods section soon. I'll use my AC 500i the first couple laps to get it started.

BTW: you guys don't know what old is:(

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2003 7:37 pm
by LapTraffic
I had to use a chainsaw when making my trails, since the trees are so thick.

I could send you the big guy in the picture (on loan) and a can of bud light... you wont need no chainsaw smile.gif

Sounds pretty **** cool what youre doing. I have a small track on my 5 acres, but behind us is wide open with tons of nice trails

Ill race this year locally, havent done MX yet but we have a series here and Ill play with it.

Good luck and post pics!

hey atvrulz

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2003 10:07 pm
by Redman
If you need any young guys to practice against give me a pm or email when time comes.