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I got Called OUT!

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2003 4:50 am
by LapTraffic
Our ride on sunday took us to Carbonado, a nearby town.

We rode up to the tavern and sauntered in to get one of the best **** burgers Ive ever had.

We're sitting in the bar on a bench against the wall and this kid walks up the the window behind us and knocks on it. This window is (Im not making this up) the take out window for kids, there is no store or anything in the town and the kids come to this window for sodas and food etc.

So anyway the waitress opens the window and this kid leans in and says "Who owns the Cannondale?"

"That's be me" I said all squinty eyed in a rough voice (The tavern is definately not to be confused with a non smoking establishement)

"Guy out here on a KFX wants to talk to you"

I pushed back from the table and sauntered out the door.

Sure enough, there was a Kid with a KFX 400 parked next to my Dale surrounded with what had to be every freaking kid in the county on every kind of rag tag bike that could be held together with baling wire. He was definately their leader with a hot new bike like a 400 and I was in his territory and completely outnumbered.

"This your Cannondale?" he asked in as deep a voice he could muster

"Yea" I said, spittin on the side walk and tryin not to look intimidated, I was probably in his parking spot or something.

"ummmmm, can I ride it?" he asked plaintively

"Sure thing kid"

I fired it up for him and asked that he not take it out of second gear. He ripped around the trail near the parking lot a couple times and then pulled in with the biggest , wide eyed, sh!t eating grin on his face I've ever seen.

"Whaddya think?


And that was it. He thanked me profusely and they all fired up their bikes and took off.

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2003 4:58 am
by TricityCdale DO know how to tell a story! So is your new name the Carbonado Kid?biggrin.gif

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2003 2:08 pm
by Knight440
Sounds like something out of an old western.

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2003 5:17 pm
by LapTraffic
Originally posted by Rico
If you woulda told us he started off with.....You know this town ain't big enough fer the 2 of woulda made it much better..wink.gif biggrin.gif

Yeah, but that's so cliche biggrin.gif

Friends really gave me a ration for letting a little kid ride my 7000 dollar bike, but I figgure he asked nicely and is more than likely a better rider than all my friends put together, and I let THEM ride it, besides, I cant b!tch about punk kids riding through neighbors yards and screwing up access privledges for the rest of us if I dont do my best to not alienate them when the opportunity presents itself.

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2003 4:56 am
by Jimmer
I almost thought that you were gonna say that he wanted to race you!! HA HA. stupid Kawasucki's.

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2003 1:22 am
by TurboJay
He probably did want to race you till he rode it. That seems to change a lot of peoples minds when I let them ride mine. They usually have that same "holy crap Batman" look on their face!!!

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2003 4:27 am
by MxDale71
You definitely do know how to tell a good story man.