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Need a pep talk

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 2:37 am
by protraxrptr17
I'm racing tomorrow for the first time since I got 3 compressed vertabrae in a crash. I think it's been 13 weeks ago. I'm kinda nervous about it. Anybody else had compression fractures before? How long did you sit it out? I went and practiced at a much more technical track a couple weeks ago and felt pretty good. The track I'm going to isn't real knarly but it is the site of my crash. The competition isn't too fierce either so maybe I can pull it off. Anyhow, wish me luck. I won't be on a Cannondale, but only because it ain't ready yet!


Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 6:19 am
by CDaleChick
the more u think about it the more youre going to worry, go out there relax, remember to breathe, and remember you are doing this for fun! if u start getting nervous and feel like u might crash again then take it easy and build back your confidence, u dont have to go right back out there and win right off the bat, you are gonna do just fine bc half the battle is won by just going out and practicing again, dont think about this track being where u wrecked, its just another track.......

i had the same problem, i chipped something in my hip from an ugly spill and the next race i had there i was racing on a borrowed unfamiliar quad (predator) but by the time the gates dropped i was just worried about the race ahead and not about wrecking. youll do great! smile.gif

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 10:26 am
by cannondale27
Medically speaking I dont know.But when you are on the line and those engines are reved your instincts will kick into high,you will have tunnel vision seeing nothing but the slightest movement of the gate and the first corner sliding perfectly around it another handful of gas and then its just left,right up and down lean,brake,clutch,gas,shift you still only notice your breathing and the left,right up and down,lean,brake,clutch,gas,shift.Nothing like it!Like they say get in the zone and rest will take care of itself.

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 12:50 pm
Well speeking from experence. I came up short on a 90 foot supercross triple. Worst wreck in my life. Knocked me out when I woke up I had the pins and neddles feeling from my lower back down and could not turn my head. I had 3 silped disk, 5 pinched nerves, a compreshion fracture in 1 vertabre and whip lash:( I coulndyt walk for 2 weeks. After about 2 months of cyeopracter and therapy I got back out there and raced again with a whole new outlook on raceing. I used to have to win or it would realy eat me up. I still had good sportsman ship but in side I was burning up. After the wreck I went out there to have fun and worked my way back up to winning a few races and being competive.

My back is still very sinsitive. The crash was in 2001. It remindsme every morning. Work your way back slow and have fun. I started back and worked on my ground speed untill I was confident I was strong enough to handle the big air again.

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 1:49 pm
by protraxrptr17
Ya'll are right. Lately I've been focusing on winning too much. Fun is what it's all about.

cannondale27 got it right. When you get on the line all that other stuff disappears. It's getting there that is tough.

Now if it doesn't rain it out. Slight chance today and tonight.:mad: