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Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 9:56 pm
by cannondale27
Disbanding the race team is a BIG mistake anyone who had reservations will surely be put off about this.I just got the atv action mag and they have a interview with Nacs they did talk about going with only one pro rider for cannondale.Its time to begin writing letters to cannondale asking for explanation and a glimpse into what they plan to do.

My guess

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 10:48 pm
by Ryanstones
I don't have any inside info, but, I am guessing that cannondale will go into bankruptcy and motorsports will be bought for pennies on the dollar by a bigger corporation or even a big aftermarket parts company. Bikes will be dropped, all operations will be revamped and ATV production will continue. It's a fabulous opportunity. A superior product with no development cost or warranty liability and a loyal enthusiastic customer base. I guess we'll see soon enough. Last quarter financials are due at the end of the month.

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 11:06 pm
by Motoman440
Good point Ryan!!! Do you know if they are a publicly traded company??? If so, and they treat motorsports as a separate entity I can get all the data needed to analyze their financial statements. Please provide a ticker symbol if you know it. I am going to try and find them on some of the exchanges. Let me know.:confused:

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 11:59 pm
by CdaleRacer0128
i am praying that this is not true, come on cannondale help us out:(

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2003 12:44 am
by cannondale27
Even if they were to go bankrupt doesnt make them a bad company it is just a reflection of their financial situation and if the past treatment of their customers is a indication we will be treated fairly they are not going to disappear and I am sure the customers will be taken care of.

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2003 12:57 am
by jbomb
I wouldn't trade mine for anything. The 250r has been out of business for 12 years and they are fine.

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2003 1:22 pm
by Ryanstones
If they are bought out i expect new owners would have to assume warranty liability and debt. That's exactly why I think they will go into bankruptcy. Bought in bankruptcy the new owners would have the flexibiltiy to make any policies they want to insure the financial health of the co. Leaving new owners in the cold however would surely be a bad move. Bicycle and motorsports will surely be divided. Don't take my opinions as being negative. I see this as only realistic when considering the companies really bad financial status. People always point out the 25 mil new money last fall. Well I coulda got a better financing deal than that, and that money is gone. I believe, not sure, that pegasus, that lender, essentially owns the company now. FWIW. This story is a long way from over and whatever happens it will be legend. I think we'll see a very positive outcome in the long run.

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2003 1:56 pm
by Motoman440
My two cents. This was a $20.00 / share stock back in 1996. It maintained these levels until mid 1998 and started a consistent decline to their close on Friday at $0.92 / share. Any value in shorting this stock has gone!!! The company has produced losses over the last 11 quarters. Some quarters larger than others. The asset size of the company has also fallen. 4th Qtr 2000 assets were $174.00MM and as of Sept 02 assets were $133.82MM. The company has taken on some short-term borrowings from 9/01 to 12/01 but I cant see where they have spent the monies. These borrowings still exist as of 9/02. The company's shareholder equity continues to fall as a result of the losses they continue to produce. The market capitalization also continues to fall but this could be a good thing if the company did decide to sell to somebody who would get one he$% of deal!!! Who knows??? I now have this stock listed on my Bloomberg system and will continue to follow press releases, etc. If anything material is released I will post ASAP to keep you guys informed. I know I'm keeping my Moto and will continue to support Cannondale. Cannondale has been good to everyone with all the problems that have materialized. Now it's our turn to support Cannondale.


Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2003 6:59 pm
if someone new an invester that was willing to shell out some bucks, and had an interest in atv's,how would this person go about purchasing or taking over cdale??? u guys seem to have alot of stock knowledge, must be nice!! I don't but i do know someone who may be interested in snatching c-dale if its up for sale, imagine if the president of c dale came to the races and did r&d himself!!! anyone have a clue about how to pursue the purchase of this co.

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2003 8:18 pm
by JeffQuadShop
Originally posted by OFFROADREDNECK
JLHUGHES750, if you know somebody with a few million laying around I could use a sponser!!!!
You already have one smartellic!!!:mad: