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I am getting it

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2003 2:27 am
by Rookiex
smile.gif guess what next weekend we are going to KandK to get the dale.My dad talked to the guy today and put a down payment on it by computer.We are going up next sat......As soon as I get it I am having my buddy take pics of it next to my ex....then I will compare the 2.

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2003 2:34 am
by Ryanstones
suhweet! congratulations!!

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2003 2:47 am
by LapTraffic
Welcome to the Family.

Really cool hat you're getting one. Which did you decide on?

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2003 10:01 pm
by Rookiex
Well I have gone with that KandK one.Gibson front end ect.but if I can ever get my ex sold lol...I am going to take the 5500 and do some more stuff to it.Like a gibson rear end lol.carbon fiber hood and rims.roll steering stem.I want to keep the motor stock it already has a HMF pipe on it.I am sure the stock form is just fine.Anything else I should get??

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2003 11:45 pm
by CdaleRacer0128
just make sure they did all them updates n things like the studupdate, oil line re route and the front frame/battery one check out for the updates