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A day off!

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 3:24 pm
by Derno24
Well I know it is a day late, but I was just relaxing so much yesterday that I could get around to doing anything.

Story begins. I wake up at 6:45 am like every morning and I had been contemplating prior to the morning just calling out. Weather around here was supposed to be low 80's and sunny. I wasn't a 100 percent till I looked out the window. Guess what at 7 it was in the 60's and bright out. I said screw this and called out of work. My mission for the day. GO RIDING!:ride:

Well I call out and quickly pull the covers back up and go to sleep for another hour. I know you call out and go to sleep, but I sure as heck wasn't getting up that early when I had a day off.

8am load truck and get all my gear together. I figured I would use this great day to get more seat time on my newly acquired quad.

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 3:30 pm
by Derno24
I start rolling at 8:30 am and figure I will head to Rausch Creek. It is about a 2 hr ride, but nothing is close to me so off I go.

I get there the temp is 78 degrees, no humidity and clear skies. Ohhh this is gonna be a great day. To boot absolutely no crowd. I mean no one. There was a guy on a dirt bike, but he wasn't riding too much. I had the entire place to myself!

I get unloaded and geared up. I go out and hit the woods course slowly working my way up to speed so I could get warmed up before running hard. I felt great one lap, 2, 3.....each one getting faster and faster till I hit full race mode. It was awesome knowing that you didn't have to worry about running into someone else.

Well I decide I am going to run the harescramble course and follow the markers for the 6 hr race. I hit the trail with the same intention going slow at first and picking up speed. Working great getting a handle on the new ride and all is well. I run into the dirtbike guy and he is lost so I figure I will help him out of the woods and take a quick breather and get a drink of water.

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 3:37 pm
by Derno24
I go back to the truck drink my water and realize that there are now 4 dirtbikes unloading and a blaster. I relax and figure heck I will let them go and have some fun with them. they run onto the woods course and I wait then I jump onto the course they were about 3/4 of a lap up when I started.

Well I really hammer it and start ripping run 3 laps and started seeing their dust find the blaster halfway through the lap and he decided to try and keep me from passing. That worked for one corner as he went high and I went tight and flew by him.

Then comes one of the dirt bikes. I pass him on a long straight in the back enjoying myself the whole way. I am thinking cool here are the other bikes and slowly and methodically I pass each of them. Happy for my small conquest I decide to keep going and try to pass them again. Well I guess they decided to take their ball and go home as I looked after my 7th lap and saw them playing on the dirtbike mx course. Big babies.

Well I run one more lap and notice the quad is pulling all over the place and quickly realize I got a flat. So off to the side find the hole and get a plug from the staff. I decide that I will run a couple to see if it will hold and then call it a day.

I fly around the track happy on my day and run 5 more laps.

I pack up with a big grin and decide I gotta do this more often!

I hope everyone had a good day like this yeterday!

:eek: :head:

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 3:43 pm
by Brad77
That sounded fun, except for the flat.:head:

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 3:49 pm
by NRath
Originally posted by Derno24
I hope everyone had a good day like this yeterday!

:eek: :head:

BITE ME!!!!!

Yes, it was just another day at work for me.

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 3:50 pm
by NRath
I am glad somebody got to enjoy it, though!

Thanks for sharing your story.


Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 4:16 pm
by CdaleRacer0128
Sounds lke a blast! I got my first car yesterday!smile.gif

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 4:21 pm
by thomez
Originally posted by CdaleRacer0128
Sounds lke a blast! I got my first car yesterday!smile.gif

10 bucks says that it isn't as cool as my first car :head:

50 bucks says it is nicer, however :drink:

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 5:01 pm
by JST
Wednesdays are always good around here unless we get rain,Wednesday meens riding at my place for all my buddies.No crashes or problems.A good day except I worked before riding.

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 6:04 pm
by wanablaze
Man, Derno, I wish I was in your shoes. I started Wednesday with a flat tire, then missed class, went to work without lunch, and then broke up with the g/f.rolleyes.gif :mad:

:cry: :drink: think maybe tomorrow i'll go riding if i get the sidewinders installed.:head: