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Bad News Help!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 12:34 am
by moto_man
I got my parts in thursday:clap: so i ran the valves and seals to my local machine shop so they could install and seat them, and in the mean time started putting everything toghether. Well the guy calls me today(saturday) and tells me that the other 2 valves are slightly bent and need replaced:mad: So know i need to get 2 valves (1 intake and 1 exhaust) fast so i can get everthing back together for the fall ride. I got my other valves from Maslanik but he had to order them and it took forever. Anybody know were i can get some ASAP?

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 12:44 am
by Happyboy
doug doug da da doug doug

He may have some new ones and I am sure he would have some used ones somewhere to.

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 1:47 pm
by haydug
I think I have some perfect used ones here, I just sent all of my new one's out with more heads for porting. Call me monday morning, and we can get you some out to you.