dale riders killing the dale name

ricky_ james
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dale riders killing the dale name

#1 Post by ricky_ james »

well im gonna just seto up and say it
cuz my friend wont say it b/c he still wishes to sell his quad but

every one in the dale community is killin the dales
with people sellin them for 2 grand, and 2500
come on

now do you think cannondale is actally going to be around in 5 years
not with the way the community is going
its not like theres no hope for the dales, there is
but whatever progress dilini makes gets squashed by people shippin the quads off for nothing at all

look at how much better these quads are then anything else on the market and pos quads like blasters and 300s are retaining their value more then these things are

im sorry but i think you guys are runining the whole dale name
and that there will be nothing left in a few years, just many guys pissed off that they ever got and looked at a cannondale

my buddys pissed, hes anoyed that he paid a good coin for this machine and now when he needs money for all things school, theres no compermize...its just low ballin everywhere

if i have offended anyone, i'll appoligize right now
but i truely believe that the way every1 is going about this whole thing is wrong and that if it keeps up, cannondale wont exsist in the near future

i feel bad for anyone who has gotten into this community and lost money, and to those select few who broke even or were close i applaud you, you found someone to take ur headake off your hands

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#2 Post by Happyboy »

Don't blame the community. Its the market. You have to look at these quads as 2-3 year old quads that will need upgrades. If Cannondale had never gone out of business then these would be work maybe...MAYBE 1500-2000 more than they are now. Another factor to the price just getting lower is the onslaught of other quads. When the only other quads out there were the 400s the Dale was a speed demon in comparison. So, some people that wanted to go really fast would either blow lots on money into the 400 or go with a dale. Now there are the other 450s. So why would you want to take a chance on a quad when there are very very very few dealerships to help you out. Oh yeah, the other factor in the price is the time of year. Fall is not a good time to sell a sport quad. The riding season is almost over (for most) and hunting quads take the spot light.

I would take a bet that most of the cannondale owners (I am talking about those that have had the dale for a while and plan on keeping it for a while) are those that work on things themselves. I wouldn't spend the money for one of the other 450s because of the price of the Dales. Call me cheap for that but you just cannot beat the dales with the prices so low.

Your buddy can't be mad at the community for the price his quad is worth. Be mad at the manufacturer, not the people that own the quads.

Oh yeah, have you looked at what the other quads are pricing at? Decked out 400exs that have been overbored and have tons of aftermarket parts going for 3000. That sounds like we all have a problem, not just the Dales.

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#3 Post by wistech »

Im not going to complain about fools giving thier quads away. Its just more low priced stuff for me. Frankly if you bought a quad relying on using it as some type of investment to sell when you need quick cash then you made the first mistake.

As far a the future of the machines ,who knows. Im sure in 5 to 10 years you will be able to buy a quad from the big companies that have all the features of a Dale/ATK but until then I will be doing what it takes to keep mine riding strong.

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#4 Post by theJeStEr1340 »

Your friend made a mistake, he should have thought ahead and bought a cheap 400ex if he was gonna have to resell it. Like Wistech said, he shouldn't be mad at the community, nobody twisted his arm to buy a new quad. He should have researched it more before he bought it.

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#5 Post by Exodus »

Well I gotta say that it is tradgic that our cannondales arent worth a hoot. I own one and I am always in the market for another, the fact that your freinds isnt worth what he paid for it the nature of the beast. I bought my bike for 3500, I knew the history of this bike and who owned it. I had plenty of oppertunities out there to save myself a grand. But hey, the future of cannondales is what we make it. You got guys on here biulding cranks! I mean, if theres anybody out there that can make or brake cannondale, its the guys who own them. I feel for the guy who spent 12k on a moto and is going to be lucky to get 5k out of it. Thats the pits, but anything, a bike, dirtbike, jetski, its all worth what someone is willing to pay. If he's patient, he might get what he wants out of it. But placing the blame on the guys who ARE keeping them alive is a little ridiculous if you ask me. Look at the people who are on this site, and they're the ones that are buying these quads. Shooting them down is know way to make money, even if its half of what you paid. The past is the past, biuld a bridge and get over it. Cannondales are the new millenia tuners bike, thats the way it is, theres to much competition out there to compete. If Dinli goes down the drain, I look at it as an oppertunity for smaller companies like ATK to take up the slack. I doubt very highly that cannondales will fall off the map, theres simply to many good people that want to keep and build these incredible bikes.

"Cannondales wont die, They'll just go Faster"

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#6 Post by cdalepilot »

"Cannondales wont die, They'll just go Faster'' nice quote exodus.:cheers:

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#7 Post by cdalepilot »

we should have a t-shirt made with that quote on it.:clap:

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#8 Post by jesshamner »

Very nice responses everybody. I'm quoting you in my signature Exodus. Oh yeah...I'm Rick James bi+ch!

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#9 Post by iceracer17 »

It didn't help the used market that someone was selling new atk's for a little over 4k either.rolleyes.gif Don't get me wrong, i'm still looking for another,but won't spend over 1k to get it.I should have another in less than a year for that price.wink.gif

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#10 Post by cannondale27 »

Best way to get your money out of a Cannondale is to just ride it.

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