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Red Sox

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 6:15 am
by cdalemx301
YEAH well i know this has nothing to do with anything quad related but the Red Sox are awesome.....They made history tonight and now there gonna win the world series boo yaa...and all u yankees fans u know what im thingking hahaha.....i got pics on my fone of the riots here at school ill try and post in the morning

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 1:20 pm
by hollywood43
I wouldn't go ruling out STL just yet....

Phenomenal Performance!

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 1:24 pm
by Ryanstones

Man those were some great games.

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 1:42 pm
by CptHook
Go SOX!, now dont go hexing them by saying they are going to win the World Series, Im a strong believer in not counting your chickens before they are hatched *waves finger at you*. Just gotta find a good seating placement, find your "mojo" spot, and concentrate on the game.

What a comeback!

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 1:44 pm
by Canniboomer
As a kid, I would watch the Red Sox in SpringTraining games at the wooden bleacher field in Scottsdale, Arizona... after the last few games, I have to say I'm a fan again!!! WOW Just don't tell my brother, he scouts for the Yankees! sad.gif

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 1:51 pm
by Derno24
I am a sports fan and appreciate what the Sox have done, but to much celebrating only leads to heartbrake if they don't win the real important games.

I know I live in Philly. I swear the Eagles make the Championship game again and lose you will see major disappointment!

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 5:08 pm
by Buddah77
I've been a loyal Yankee fan for many years and I hope to H*ll the Sox win a title. I'm tired of hearing all the whining and the stupid curse from Red Sox nation. After 86 years of disappointment and failure I think they deserve one championship.:cry: