very, very SCARY ~~~~~Happy Halloween

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very, very SCARY ~~~~~Happy Halloween

#1 Post by Ryanstones »

It seems that my rants on the REAL issues in this election perhaps went too far, and struck a nerve with the site owner/admin, since the offending threads have been removed from public view. I do apologize if i've personally offended any fellow cannondaleriders. I value you all as my friends and brothers in arms. For this reason i'm going to post what i believe is the REAL reason we are in Iraq and why we should not support Bush on Tuesday.

This election should NOT be about terror, or gay marriage, or gun control, or the environment, or F***ing Vietman, or missing explosives or lesbian cheny, Ketchup Kerry or even riding on public lands. It's about our government, this administrations total and complete lack of honesty with the American people. It's about Freedom and the ideals of American Democracy.

The greatest threat to the american way of life and our continued viability as the moral leader of the world is commonly referred to as Peak Oil.

Essentially, The worldwide demand for oil has, or very soon will, outstrip the maximum supply. No we aren't about to run out, but we are nearly or more than halfway there. We will never again see $1/gallon gas, $2 will be in the rear mirror soon, and if the oil shock of the 70's is any indication $100+ is very possible if we don't wake up and begin to honestly address this reality. There is some arguements about when, but there is no IF.

I encourage you to spend some time comtemplating what Peak Oil means to our Economy and your family.
Here's a good place to start:


Though i was aware of this threat, it hadn't really got into my mind til i began searching for a rational explanation for the 10,000's of dead and injured in Iraq. I almost wish i hadn't let it in. Ignorance is Bliss. Maybe some of you critical thinkers can help me find my way back there.

Now, as this real threat affects our election; The Bush administration could have taken the shock and unity following 9/11 to explain this global dilemma to America, and to chart a course, with a lot of 'hard work', to a sustainable planet. Instead, they simply lied, and sent our patriots to war under the sham of WMD and Terror.

This link has a lengthy, factual article on what they knew, or certainly should have known.
As you read it, if you choose to, realize that BIG OIL just reported a 3rd quarter profit of over 16 billion dollars, nearly double the same period in 2003. President Harry Truman had a word for war profiteers: Traitors.


I think this Hurricane we just went through and the disaster area i'm living in opened my mind. (or maybe just warped it) Open your's, and decide for yourself.

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#2 Post by cdalerider75 »

Ryanstones, there is nothing you can post that would offend myself.. That link you posted is informative but who is behind the site... I think what is the most instesting thing here is that so many of us out there have different views.. we all see things from a different angle and can post our thoughts... that is what makes the USA great, not to mention this site.. for that freedom comes a great price which at different times in history we have had to pay. Has anyone out there ever thought about the what if?? What if any one war that has brought us our freedom we didn't win, what would life be like? Perhaps you wouldn't have the right to speak your mind, you might of never been born... in the end people might say that there is no such thing as a war on terror.. but there is.... and we are losing.... how so you ask.. well think about all the new rules that we have to live by now... after 911 we now think twice about everything, new rules have been created and you see more gards posted at different events... yes they are winning....

I am going to give my view here there is one guy that is going to ask others (countrys) if it is ok to attack and will do so if he only gets the ok... and another guy that will ask to be fair but then will make the best desicion with or without the ok from others (countrys) I would hate to be a day late on being pro-active..

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#3 Post by Mjollnir »

Peak oil is a fact, but I refuse to listen to the "no war for oil" camp. If we went there for oil, where is it, and why are we being so nicey-nicey with them? I heard an interview with a high ranking officer over there that said we were just playing pattycake right now, and could easily sqash them if we desired.

Before you get too upset, Ryan - I did when I first found out about Peak Oil, do some research on Thermal Depolymerization. I am getting ready to bet most of my retirement accounts and some other savings on some ventures in this field, as I believe it is our holy grail or energy.

Now if we can just get the politicians and greenies to stop ranting about B-S unworkable solutions ot the energy crisis such as Hydrogen, solar, and wind, we would be well on our way to being self-sufficient as far as energy goes.

Bush still has my vote. Not that it matters here in California, anyway.


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#4 Post by cannondale27 »

Dont believe that we are running out of oil.Its a lie there are lots of wells sitting waiting for the price to go up and then they fire them up.
As for the post being deleted I am dissappointed that happened I never saw anything other than a healthy debate.Shame.

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#5 Post by Ryanstones »

Maybe i shouldn't post between the hours of 2-7AM? sad.gif

I'm wondering what others think about Peak oil, so i'm not going to add to the discussion just yet.

I'll be glad when this election is over, in a month or so :eek:

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#6 Post by banzairx7 »

I don't think were running out of oil, we just can't get at it fast enough. From whart I understand the demand from places like China & India is going to outpace what we can supply. I think the fact that here in the US more than a few people think it's a great idea to drive around 15mpg SUV isn't helping matters. The only near term real solutions to help MPG seem to be hybrids and Diesels. Hopefully when the diesel fuel in the US switches to no sulfur in the next year or two we'll start seeing more of the great diesels they have in eurpoe here. The new Jeep Liberty diesel is all ready paving the way and I hope its warmly met. From memory I believe it has more power than any of the current offerings in that car and gets better mileage to boot.

Bush keeps on pushing hydrogen fuel cells as the next step. He needs to wake up and realize it takes more energy to make hydrogen than you get out. Unless this energy is coming from nuclear, hydroelectric, wind etc.. You produce more pollution in the end.

And one finally thought to get everyone going- If Osama Bin Laden is the number one bad guy and the US goverment believes he's on the afghan/pakistani border, Why are there 20,000 troops in Afghanistan and 200,000 in Iraq?

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#7 Post by Ryanstones »

aw, i wouldn't root against the redskins ******!

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#8 Post by CptHook »

We are evenually going to run out of oil, the question when, supposedly we are very near the "peak" of oil production, if not at it already, as it is oil well discovery, and productivity has been in decline since the seventies, the gap between oil produced and oil consumed has increased dramaticall over the past 40 years, with production steadily declining and consumption rapidly increasing. With everybodys addiction to gasoline and soccer moms owning hummers to drive to the end of the driveway and get the mail, and buy groceries its no wonder why its happening, the number of large vehicles being purchased by the average everyday roadster has increased by about 30% since 1994. There are obviously tons of different alternative fuel sources being worked on as mentioned by mjollinir, but the main problem is that it isnt being viewed as a real problem and everybody seems to be turning a blind eye to the subject.

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#9 Post by candyassmiler »

ryanstones remains my hero. i think i picked a good role model.

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#10 Post by cannondale27 »

So when the oil runs out does that mean we will have to run our Dales on propane or Alcohol?Neither one seems too bad to me and there is plenty of both to last for years.Ryanstones for a guy who had a big smile on his face everytime I saw you this spring you sure seem to worry alot.I bet worrying causes more problems in medical bills and healthwise than all the terrorist and pollution and whatever other problems we have combined.biggrin.gif

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