what do u celebrate?

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what do u celebrate?

#1 Post by Cdale_racer_669 »

with all this christmas talk, i got to wondering if neone on here celebrates anything else. kwanza,not at all, etc etc. anyone??

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#2 Post by nickg »


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#3 Post by cdalemx301 »

chrimakwanzahanaka does that ccount i just like the presents.....haha i celebrate christmas

lil jbr
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#4 Post by lil jbr »

did u copy that fomr the cell phone comercial?

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#5 Post by CptHook »

Ditto on the festivous ******,
Ill bring the pole, and then we can begin airing our grievances, before commencing our festivous dinner, and then when we finish the feast we can begin the festivous feats of strength!

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#6 Post by cdalemx301 »

haha yea i did lil j i had just seen the commercial when i read the thread

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#7 Post by Psychosis »

Originally posted by ******
Festivous  :head:

So you put up a pole in your house??

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#8 Post by Derno24 »

I celebrate that the keg is not empty yet!:drink:

And everytime the wife says yes!:bow: :whip:

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#9 Post by bombsquad54 »

i would celebrate everyday then. haha derno!

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#10 Post by Derno24 »

And you wonder why I pick on you Bombitchylikearash!

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