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Long stroke affects handling???

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 1:47 am
by protraxrptr17
I've been hanging around on KTMTalk some, trying to learn about my new engine and I keep hearing those guys talk about how the longer stroke engines such as the 520/525's are harder to turn and feel so heavy when compared to the 400/450's which are nearly the same engine and chassis. The weight is also very close to the same. I also read about it in Motocross Action Magazine. They had an article about what affects a bikes handling. They commented on engine placement and gyroscopic forces having a big effect on handling. They said that factory pro's use heavier inner tubes to increase the force and keep the bike straighter in the air. I've never heard any quad guys comment on this. I'm sure it affects quads less than bikes but after thinking about it, it could make some difference. Why can we have a magazine write an article like that instead of printing 25 pages of letters from kindergartners and 213 pages of advertisements for chrome and aluminum dress up pieces. Oh yeah, I almost forgot the inevitable new quad tests of the same tired old crap from the '80's. Back to my original topic, am I the only one who didn't know about this stuff?