Jailhouse Rock??

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Jailhouse Rock??

#1 Post by Sandstorm »

Dustin at SB will never ever listen to this song. It will remind him of his four months of jail he starts to serve on Valentines Day. I have made it my personal issue to help anybody out w/ info on SB's highway robbery tactics and info so NOBODY will send them motors... Call me a prick, I call it helping others!!!!!!! Love Bubba

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#2 Post by haydug »

:dance: :dance: :rotf

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#3 Post by Holeshot36 »

I would like to know what happened sad.gif

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#4 Post by cdalemx301 »

hey guys u can put a jailhouse story together with smileys watch
:hammer:....judge saying guilty......:clap: ....relatives in relief he got what he deserved....now to jail :w: :wow :cry: awww poor dustin

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#5 Post by kdeal »

Gitterdone.....................I don't care who you are, that's funny.

:dance: :dance:

Familiar position:


:rotf :rotf

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#6 Post by ducman »

^^^^^^ Now thats funny.:rotf

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#7 Post by jfarrar »

bubba gonna be :ride: that:w: sad.gif

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damn thats funny

#8 Post by azcannon »

I have no opinion on dustin but thats funny posting you guys are like comedians

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#9 Post by dvrack »

Hey Sandturd'
You stated call me a prick, I would lean toward B-TCH... I think your deep penetrating love for Wade has you a little confused you never bought a engine fom SBM (and yes we all know the story and hate to say most think you are a crybaby whiner)We all know you get your info from Wade and no he still hasn't paid back the guy he owes money to but for some reason the guy feels it is okay I personaly would be kicking his arse.

Call me prick or just the guy that is tired of your whining... GO SPOON WITH WADE:p

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#10 Post by Sandstorm »

You as well as Thomez don't know what was said in my conversation w/ SB before I bought a used 5hr motor and I am not gonna tell you. It's none of your business. It was a private conversation and two parties had an agreement. With that said I feel I am helping out the owners who have sent their motors to SB and have gotten nothing, but a headache. Your statements don't phase me at all. I am trying to help others not get taken for their 3000 dollars. The people that read this topic are worried about their motors, they have a right to be.. SB has proven time after time that they can't build a motor and continue to lie and avoid any bad situation they can..

Why Don't You Send YOUR Motor Down There And See What Happens??? LOL:w:

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