i want to race this season

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i want to race this season

#1 Post by cdaleracer52 »

ive been planning on racing for the past 2 years but i broke my wrist and had to have bone graft surgery, it was a big mess. so this year im feeling good and hoping to race. who do i register with, the AMA or the ATVA? anything else i need to know about all the sign ups. i know ill be racing in divison 6 so does that mean i also have to register with divison 6? any additional info is helpful. thanks

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#2 Post by Psychosis »

Register w/ATVA. Either go online and do it or signup at a track. $39 usually. And I'm guessing you mean District 6. Just find the D6 website and get all the information you need like rules, race dates, requirements, and more.

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#3 Post by cdaleracer52 »

haha my mistake i dont know why i guess i just had division 4 on the brain. thanks for the info.

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#4 Post by cdrookie »

you'll need a dist 6 card also, $10 for the year, get it at the track. u racing mx or xc? there's only a few tracks left that allow quads in mx. www.amadistrict6.com

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#5 Post by cdaleracer52 »

racin MX

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#6 Post by cdrookie »

get with leric-cdaleracer0128, he races some dist 6 mx events and would probably be willing to give you some setup advice and answer any other questions you have. also, did you see the "dist6 riders need your support" sticky on exriders?

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