building a kicker, what do you think

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building a kicker, what do you think

#1 Post by cdaleracer52 »

here are some plans i made of a FMX kicker im going to build. Check it out let me know if you would change anything or just have a few suggestions. thanks

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#2 Post by cdaleracer52 »


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#3 Post by superfly »

Check these ramp plans out, links on the bottom left of the page. Made for sleds so it should hold up well.

ramp plans

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#4 Post by aroracer72 »

If youve hit semi-big jumps before..make it 10ft tall smile.gif

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#5 Post by Exodus »

Whats the radious of the ramp, and at what degrees will it end? It looks good, though, just need some more deminsions.

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#6 Post by cdaleracer52 »

then the lenth would have to be extended about 5 more feet maybe more and that would be a pain in the a$$ to bring from NJ to upstate NY.

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#7 Post by cdalemx301 »

I don't think a 10 footer is necassary granted i have never hit a ramp but im pretty sure the ramps the pro Freestyle guys use are only 8 feet not positive tho

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#8 Post by dsracer666 »

my old 12' long by 5' high ramp would send you close to 30' up!

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#9 Post by cdaleracer52 »

slight change of plans i think im going 15 ft long instead of 20. for a 7 ft talll ramp 20 is just a little to big.

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#10 Post by superfly »

The one we built is 7ft tall 18ft long, 15 long might be pushing it for a 7ft ramp unless you want a hella lot of kick. jmo

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