Lemon Clutchs!

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Lemon Clutchs!

#1 Post by Rookiex »

Hey guys I just got of the phone with the guy at PRO FAB at his house....

Now he says that NO MATTER WHAT. If cdale is going out of shop or not...They must fix this ''defect'' under the lemon law I called my great uncle he is a judge he says no matter if its a vehicle on the road or off. If there is a manufacture defect THEY MUST FIX IT warrenty or not THEY HAVE TOO...

He also said be carefull in how you word it. Don't let it be known you dug into your motor, say ''this has a manufacture defect'' not ''theres somthing wrong with it''

When its a lemon its a lemon and under law must be fixed at the cost of the manufacture.

Our clutchs and updates MUST BE FIXED FOR FREE. its a defect.

Now my Dale has never been started never had a drop of oil ever to touch the motor.

So I am taking it to my local dealer and telling them to fix it. AT THERE COST AND LABOR. its not my problem they messed up its theres.

And really my uncle also said they have to do it if you say that defect has you in fear for you life lololol.

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#2 Post by Rookiex »

I also reccommed you PRINT those pictures on that thread about this whole ordeal and bring them to you dealer to show them. Print what people say so they can get a feel for whats going on.

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#3 Post by 4punksdad »

I am with ya. I dont think a service bulletin is in order...........I think a complete recall is in order.
I dont want to be the last nail in cannondale's coffin, but I dont want a $6000.00 trophy of my stupidity in my garage either.

I assume you are talking about the bolts backing out in the tranny as opposed to the clutch you mentioned.

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#4 Post by Rookiex »

yes the tranny. I do believe this SHOULD BE FIXED...no matter if you buy it at a dealer and get a 6 month warrenty or buy it from a common man you should be able to get it fixed...Just like when somthing is wrong with a truck and a recall is in order....YOU GET IT DONE FOR FREE...I could handle tearin it down ya know....My dads a vary good mechanic I am sure we can get her done...But we Should NOT have to pay for parts...

We shouldnt have to go through this. **** I have'nt even got my Dale and I cant even ride it for in fear the bolts will come out.

The dale is so new that never once has it had oil in it.

And thats how my local dealer will see it....BRAND NEW....:mad:

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#5 Post by Rookiex »

I have printed all the pictures and problems all of you have encountered with the engine...And I will make this right....

I will take the pictures to the dealer show him. Show him what you have all said and tell him (you gotta do somthing about this)

You have left MANY loyal cdale riders stranded with out anyway of fixing there ride..and updating YOUR MISTAKES.....

This will be fixed or they shal feel my rath :mad: biggrin.gif

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#6 Post by 4punksdad »

Originally posted by Rookiex
I have printed all the pictures and problems all of you have encountered with the engine...And I will make this right....

I will take the pictures to the dealer show him. Show him what you have all said and tell him (you gotta do somthing about this)

You have left MANY loyal cdale riders stranded with out anyway of fixing there ride..and updating YOUR MISTAKES.....

This will be fixed or they shal feel my rath :mad: biggrin.gif

well..........if you have not taken delivery of the quad yet, then you probably have more leverage. I would get an agreement on paper before taking delivery of the machine.

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#7 Post by Jaybr »

I'm not trying to be a naysayer here, but let's look at the other side of this. I'm not a judge, but I do know this.

The courts cannot force Cannondale to fix the motors. They can rule in your favor in a lawsuit and give you a judgement that says Cannondale Motorsports must fix your motor, but if Cannondale Motorsports no longer exist the judgement is worthless. Think of it this way, if I owe you $5000 and I die, are you going to get your money? The court may say I owe you, but if I'm not there to pay, and my estate doesn't have the money, your out of luck.

Everyone keeps talking about someone buying the motorsports division, but what is likely to happen is someone will buy the assets, patents, copyrights, and intellectual property of the motorsports division without taking on any of the debt.

My guess is also that Cannondale and Cannondale Motorsports are actually seperate legal entities. If that is the case, Cannondale will probably be able to close Motorsports without being resposible for their debt.

I highly doubt that the dealers will be held responsible for these problems either. Rookie, you said your great uncle said Cannondale had to fix the problem. Just remember that your dealer is not Cannondale. Your warranty is a manufacturers warranty, not a dealer warranty.

I don't think any of this is right, and I do think they should fix the motor problem. I'm just adding another point of veiw that needs to be looked at.

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#8 Post by 4punksdad »

good points jay............

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#9 Post by Derno24 »

Those debts are monies owed to parts suppliers not warranty work. I seriously doubt that whomever buys the company will be legally responsible for our repairs. On a positive note they should be able to at least send all of the recall parts to affected customers. I think we should all stop being negative and at least wait to see who gets the company and what they are going to do.

If I was a buyer of the company and read these posts I wouldn't spend the money.

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#10 Post by smith »

a few points....

1) The new owner does NOT assume ANY debt previously recorded by Cannondale. It is one of their benefits of Chapter 11 for the company and one of the detriments to the many suppliers that are still out money (aka ITP, Ohlins, Cycra, Arens.....)

2) The new owner NOR your dealer are responsible for the updates or lemon problems, Cannondale is, but within a month, Cannondale may cease to exist after the auction (the name may continue, but the company will be under new ownership) Now, the new owner and your dealer will HOPEFULLY still do the upgrades in order to help keep their existing customer base happy and do so to attract new customers proving that they have great customer service, this, we will have to wait and see what happens after the auction.

3) Cannondale and Cannondale Motorsports is the same company, just 2 different divisions of one. This is why the bicycle side is up for auction also even though they are making a good profit yet!

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