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Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 6:29 am
by CptHook
So anyways, its Monday morning 1:30am, technically spring break was over an hour and a half ago but I refuse to accept that and go to sleep so I can wake up for class tomorrow. Cant think of anything quad related to post so I decided I would post this.
Just curious how many other dalers/(any other atv make) besides myself are musicians? What do you play, how long have you played it, what kind of music do you like to play/listen to? Include anything else you think is necessary. Post away... :head:

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 6:56 am
by Cdale_racer_669
So anyways, its Monday morning 1:30am, technically spring break was over an hour and a half ago but I refuse to accept that and go to sleep so I can wake up for class tomorrow.

same here, cept its only a cppl minutes past 12. i used to play piano when i was like 8, but thats as far as that goes. but my GF used to be in a band as vocals or w/e, she can sing pretty darn good too! but then she pissed off a cppl of the members and got kicked out:mad: lol. i mostly listen to rock, i like every kind of rock, but like the hard stuff best:head: disturbed,korn,slipknot,static x, all those sorta bands

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 7:14 am
by jesshamner
I guess its just us kids that are still up. I have to start class again tomorrow too. I have played the drums since I was 12. I haven't played much in the last 4 years due to college and nowhere to put them while i'm here. I was in a band during my junior, senior years in high school, and my freshman year in college. We started working on a demo cd for the local bars to get "gigs", but the band had to split up to go back to school. We did play a few shows and had a pretty good response.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 2:42 pm
by CptHook
Sweet, I was concerned no one would respond. Amidst my tired post I forgot to put down what I played myself lol, so anyways here goes.

I played the sexomophone for 8 years from 5th grade on up through highschool. I also played in the percussion ensemble and in the marching band playing the snare drum at my highschool. Around 6th or 7th grade I picked up bass guitar as my own personaly outside of school instrument. Ive been playing that for about 8 years now, but that was all self taught and at my own pace, and I still continue to play now. Ive been in a couple rinky dink bands, but nothing that has done more than small local stuff. Biggest issue is we can always get plenty of guitarists and singers and Im always available for bass, but we can never find a decent drummer.

As far as music I like to listen/play Im very broad and open to most genres, I havent touched the sax since highschool so I mainly just play bass now. Im not a huge fan of playing plain old traditional rock, mainly just because it gets boring quick. Our jam band has a very primus meets 311 sound, but we can never get a consistent drummer so it all goes to **** anyways. As far as music I listen to, I listen to a whole shyt load of stuff, jazz, rock, metal, fusion, the list goes on, basically anything thats not rap or techno (although me, a buddy of mine thats a rap fan and a drummer did play a rap thing once during a jam session just for fun). The last band related thing I did was play a show with these guys once a while back, they are a local band from portland .

So, any more musicians out there?

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 8:27 pm
by Psychosis
Another one here. Been playing drums for about 7yrs, guitar for like 9, and keyboard for about 3. I basically play and listen to a lot of harder stuff but will went as less hard as bands like Motograter and gODHEAD. Was in a band for about a year at one point but failed. One guy left town and then we all split shortly after that.

We made one demo cd but was bad quality due to the recording place, but sounded good nonetheless. The quads take up too much time and money now though to get back into it. :wow

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 10:50 pm
by CannondaleRider
I've been playing guitar for about 6 months. I'm not REALLY good....but I can play.

I'm in the process of starting a "band" right now, I'm into a finnish rock band called HIM that my friend Jessica is into, and were planning on me playing and her probably won't ever happen though, lol

I play a lot of stuff, from a little country all the way to the Scandanavian stuff i listen to.

I listen to mostly odd stuff. Like I said, a lot of Finnish(Finland, just in case you didn't know) bands that no one knows about. Like HIM, The 69 Eyes, Daniel Lioneye, etc. Very few people know about them. I also listen to stuff like Metallica, AC/DC, Black Sabbath, etc.:head:

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 11:19 pm
by jesshamner
Originally posted by CannondaleRider
I've been playing guitar for about 6 months. I'm not REALLY good....but I can play.

I'm in the process of starting a "band" right now, I'm into a finnish rock band called HIM that my friend Jessica is into, and were planning on me playing and her probably won't ever happen though, lol

I play a lot of stuff, from a little country all the way to the Scandanavian stuff i listen to.

I listen to mostly odd stuff. Like I said, a lot of Finnish(Finland, just in case you didn't know) bands that no one knows about. Like HIM, The 69 Eyes, Daniel Lioneye, etc. Very few people know about them. I also listen to stuff like Metallica, AC/DC, Black Sabbath, etc.:head:

I'm just curious as to how you got into the scandanavian stuff? Is there some sort of ethnic background there or any kind of attachment? Or is it just something that fell into your lap and you liked it? For some reason this really interests me.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 11:24 pm
by cannibal67
I played the trumpet for 4 years in school sold it then I got a bass and been jammining ever since. I've been playing it for about a year and a half.

Like CptHook about every thing i know is self taught. There are so many guitarists around here and no bass players so I had no one to teach me.

I play heavy metal and Im in a band. I play alot of Pantera and Metallica some Slayer and a little bit of every thing else. I write alot of my own music too.

What kind of bass you got Hook I have a Fender P-bass and a Fender amp.

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 12:14 am
by CannondaleRider
Originally posted by jesshamner
I'm just curious as to how you got into the scandanavian stuff?  Is there some sort of ethnic background there or any kind of attachment?  Or is it just something that fell into  your lap and you liked it?  For some reason this really interests me.

No ethnic background or anything, I just heard part of a HIM song on a skating video, and I just HAD to hear more, I just really liked there sound because there so distinct and different, so I started dowloading songs like MAD, and they became my favorite band.

And the other scandinavian bands I heard of through HIM, they all have a connection somehow.

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 12:19 am
by jesshamner
Thats cool. Skate vids always have pretty cool music.