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another drag race!! good report!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 2:32 pm
by 440speedrider
I have a timbo stroker motor, and this weekend we went to happy hallow, its in southern ohio, highland co. I was with a modded kfx and a 250r, after a couple hours of riding everytime we stoped to get something to drink a raptor, banshee and a yfz would throw dust all over us, they kept sayin yamahas rull, you suck, stuff like that, so we watched them drag race, and the banshee smoked the raptor and just beat the yfz by about 3 bikes, i talked to the owner and the said they were just young punks who none can run with, he told me that banshee was fast, he said it had weisco high compression pistons, trinity carbs and intake, k & n, and the said the thought it was stroked, so i decided to see how i stand, i pulled up and they started laughing at me, i just smilled and asked if they were ready to run, they said ya, so it was on, the yfz and the banshee got me off the line, me and the raptor were left behind, when i stoped spinning i took the raptor, then the yfz, and right before the end i took the bansee, they were pissed, so we ran again, this time i done the ol 3rd gear launch. It was funny, after i started to take off i left him my buddys said i got him by about 3 bikes, and im geard high i have never hit rev limiter in 5th it need to go lower and then ill spank him bad. Im ganna try 18s and see if it dog's down still when i take off in 3rd if it still does ill gear it down, and then ill be good to go!!

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 7:30 pm
by cannibalq8
u got Timb stroker crank ? .. what's the bore? gearing ? tires sizes ?.

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 7:33 pm
by cheetah5431
Thats what I'm talking about!:head:

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 8:59 pm
by 440speedrider
yeah i have a timbo stroker, with a 450, re angled injectors and that kinda stuff, im runnin 20's with a 14/39 i think