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How Ironic (Suzuki Z450)

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 12:56 am
by Psychosis
Has anyone been keeping up on all the rumors lately of the Z450? I just read a bunch of threads on multiple forums and I couldn't stop laughing at everyone posting.

Seems that supposedly the new Z has EFI. Now the ironic part is how everyone thinks about it. I remember over the last few years how everyone made fun of C'Dale and said EFI would never make it, it was stupid, worthless, and they'd never buy an EFI quad. Now, the EXACT SAME PEOPLE are raving about how awesome it'll be to have EFI, no jetting, and instant throttle response.

When confronted they start arguing like 12yr olds saying they've always been a fan of what C'Dale did and how Suzuki is leading the way in the world of fuel injected quads. I even heard some say Suzuki had the first fuel injected quad on the market. rolleyes.gif

One more thing. They're also raving about saying it's going to have Ohlins lt shocks, 50" wide, and MX tires. Hello! Does that not sounds familiar to anyone on here of a previous and current quad? Everyone seemed to put C'Dale down for that but now Suzuki's getting raved over it. And people are saying they will easily pay $8k or more for it! I don't know about all you guys but I'm ready to go out to the track and prove what came in first stays first.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 12:59 am
by Psychosis
One more thing which is one of my favorite rumors. According to "Inside Sources", :rotf Gust/Jones and Team Suzuki have signed to ride 100% stock machines next year, even including stock tires! LOL! I think somebody's been having a few too many :drink:

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 3:24 am
by cdalepilot
in the latest dirtwheels they said kawasaki is coming out with there own 450 and it might be fuel injected also.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 4:08 am
by jesshamner
The reason these are rumors are b/c they are published in the new magazne, "QUAD", from Transworld. I just took my first look at the magazine tonight while at work.biggrin.gif It does state that the Z450 will be EFI and they want it to be like their bikes. Thus being able to slap on some number plates and nerfbars and go racing. It says that Jones and Gust will be racing them with stock a arms, swing arms, and shocks and that track ready tires are being made for the quad. The swingarm will be chromoly. It will be 3 inches wider than the yfz and the trx and will be very low to the ground. I can't remember what else it said off the top of my head. It does sound very intriguing if its true. I called BS on it at first but its in writing so I guess we'll wait and see. If its true, it will be good to a cdale-like machine. It will be really impressive if Jones and Gust actually race them in stock condition.

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 1:46 am
by twisted
hmm, I wanna see a picture of these.

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 2:50 am
by chigger81
I cant imagine them racing with so many stock parts just because of the sponsorships they would loose. I guess suzzy is pretty generous though.

Look on the bright side - with new fuel injected quads, I bet battery companies will work a little harder to get somthing out that will hold up.

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 3:19 am
by jesshamner
I see a lot of pros running equipment with different stickers on them. So to keep their sponsors happy, they'll just put those stickers on.

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 9:08 pm
by cdalepilot
i just ordered a subsription to ''quad'' can't wat to get it in. 9.95 for 6 issues.:drink:

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 11:54 pm
by yamadjs08
Im bored off my a$$ so I typed the whole article from the mag haha. O well I type pretty **** fast, took a few minutes. Dont mind a few errors, I was hurrying.

Suzuki??????????????????s New Race Quad!
Exclusive Sneak Preview of the Z450

????????????????Its fuel injected.??????????????? Those words-uttered by our Suzuki insider in Japan- totally caught us off guard. He was talking about the new Suzuki Z450 sport quad- the most anticipated release of this year. It is one of the biggest secrets in the industry, and there??????????????????s no way we could keep it to ourselves.
????????????????Yes, it has fuel injection,??????????????? he said, quelling our disbelief. ????????????????And a whole bunch of other features that you are not going to believe,??????????????? he added. ????????????????Even I was surprised when we first announced it as a goal, but we have more fuel-injected models out there than anyone, so it makes sense. We have led the forefront of fuel-injection technology for years.???????????????
After the fuel-injected bomb was dropped on us, it got even more interesting. ????????????????Our testers told us it has the best suspension they have ever ridden- even Doug Gust told us that it is better than all the aftermarket suspensions he has used in the past.???????????????
Suzuki is bringing some serious heat to the ATV racing world. The philosophy of this release is to treat it like one of their RM250 dirt bikes- all you??????????????????ll have to do to race the new 450 quad is slap on some numbers and, well, some nerfbars! Think we??????????????????re BSing? Read on.
????????????????If you are a good A-level rider, you won??????????????????t need to do a thing to get the best out of this machine,??????????????? our spy said. He told us when Suzuki approached the Z450 platform; it had to exceed all the performance levels set by Gust??????????????????s 2004 Championship-winning racer. Just when we thought we??????????????????d run out of shock, our Suzuki insider incited our shock reserves. Here are the specs that did it:

*The Z450 is going to be considerably wider (by approximately three inches) than either the Yamaha YFZ or the Honda 450R. It is also extremely low to the ground, designed to keep the center of gravity as low as possible. Wheelbase is very similar to the competition, but the quad will be much closer to the earth.

*Team riders Gust and Jeremiah Jones will race it with stock A-arms, shocks, and swingarm. Why? Because each item is going to be built to full race specs. Right of the showroom floor, this machine will look like it has been decked out with aftermarket suspension components. It will be equipped with wide, long travel front arms, and- get this- a chromoly swingarm!

*The battery compartment has been placed low on the bike somewhere. We couldn??????????????????t get any specific location, only confirmation that it would be placed somewhere lower than expected.

*The headlight comes off easily and can quickly be replaced with a number plate.

*As of right now the Z450 will be available in yellow and white color schemes.

*Exclusive track-ready tires are being designed just for the Z450.