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Warrior experience

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2004 4:45 pm
by thunderwolf
Do any of you guys on here have any experience with a Yamaha Warrior? I am thinking about getting a 1992 warrior for my girlfriend. The owner says it is in excellent condition, I will look at it tuesday. I just wanted to find out if there are any known problems with that year or model.
Oh and the asking price is $1900

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2004 4:52 pm
by quad_freak14
Warriors are pretty nice quads except the one i had.

He calaimed it had a worked motor with everything....i got it home and rode it for a few weeks and i wasn't very impressed. I tore it apart and what-do-ya-know. It had a stock engine the piston was chit and cracked. well, that was my expierence..

But yea, alot of my friends have warriors. They are good quads but they have battery probs. Mine and my friends always seemend to die. We were out riding once and we stopped to eat lunch, i got back on and the battery was dead.

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2004 6:31 pm
by Happyboy
My first quad was a warrior. It was a little tank. I would beat the living crap out of it and it would always keep going. That is until I took it to the dunes. The poor little thing died out there. Blew my rings and lost compression. The rings were toast long before that though, just hadn't died yet. They are nice quads but don't expect to go too fast with it. They are great on the trails but will get torn up in open areas. I would think $1900 is too much for a 92. Heck, you can get a 99 or 00 for that much around here.

Oh yeah, mine smoked like a bandit! If G8rbait reads this he can attest to that. Noone could ride behind me, they would get lost in the smoke!

After blowing it up I decided to rebuild that bad boy. Was very easy to work on. Spent a couple hundred dollars for a new piston, sleeve bore job, rod and the labor getting the crank rebuilt. I like the motor on the Dale much better since everything is in its own assembly but the warrior motor can be pulled so quick.

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2004 6:35 pm
by TheJaspMan
Get with Crazyelece. He still has one and knows a lot about them.

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2004 8:13 pm
by kdeal

I have owned several Warriors since they came out in 1986. In fact I have an original 1987 right now in pretty good shape. Keep it stock and possibly throw an oil coller on it for longer life, and ride it!! The battery problem is overstated, just maintain the battery and you should be fine. I only have battery problems when it sits...

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2004 8:16 pm
by CdaleRacer0128
ha, warrior's are basically my LIFE. I've owned and beatin mine to death since 2000, it just keeps running and running. Battery problems? only thing i can think of is when you loose that strap that holds it down, it bounces around and loosens up, oh and don't do any mods to it, they enver seem to work just right with them. that's too high of price for that old, if you wanna come up 700 bucks i got one very very nice for you:) but it is a little far away..

these are PERFECT girlfriend quads, sister quads, **** even a nice trail quad for yourself..:confused: okay well maybe not..wink.gif

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 2:48 pm
by thunderwolf
Thanks for all the info.
Sometimes I hate living out west. The prices on everything out here is crazy, but of course out here in the west we are all movie stars and can afford anything we want.rolleyes.gif

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 5:45 am
by 4punksdad
I would recommend a 300ex over a warrior. Lighter, just as powerful and build more confidence in a new rider. The warrior is a turd that yamaha has been selling to the masses way too long.

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 5:28 am
by MrSlithers
I've owned 2 Warrior's and worked on them more then they ran but I didn't care much to fix them. The 1st ones a FST 446 and the other is a stock '88.

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 2:56 am
by KRMit
My first quad was an '87 Warrior. It was rusted and falling apart but still a decent quad. It will overpower a 300ex or Blaster but won't really touch anything above that. It's bulkier than a 300ex so you aren't quite as maneuverable in a trail. On the other hand I'll bottom out an EX before a Warrior on jumps. I think $1900 is way too much for one that old.