2003 tricked out speed for sale

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#21 Post by cdalerider75 »

delete please...

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#22 Post by Happyboy »

Chris, did this quad have a crank let go? Only reason I ask is James is needing a clean frame so we don't have to clean his current one. If the crank let go then the frame would be contaminated. So?

QUOTE (cdalerider75 @ Mar 30 2007, 02:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Edit 3/31/07 .... First come first serve on this frame.. paypal.. webmaster@ltr450racing.com

What is this? I thought we were workign out a deal on this and James just wants to be sure it isn't contaminated. He said he wants it just give him a chance to pay you for it.

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#23 Post by haydug »

QUOTE (Happyboy @ Mar 31 2007, 05:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What is this? I thought we were workign out a deal on this and James just wants to be sure it isn't contaminated. He said he wants it just give him a chance to pay you for it.

What it is Happyboy is desperation. Every post is "please buy something I have" , or "poor me, I need money, buy it now!".. Kinda like the whole "free" atmosphere at central, what did that last, 1 week? The guy even tried selling Armok's mapping for aliving. Good thing Armok's wasn't into that. rolleyes.gif

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#24 Post by cdalerider75 »

Sean.. the crank was seized... Dave at Elite Motorsports took the crank apart and the bearing was intact but frozen (well it was somewhat frozen) to the pin.. I don't have any history on the quad besides it didn't run.. and it sat for a long time...

Just trying to provide you with as many details as I can...

Frame is 100$ + shipping (any suggestions on how to ship the frame I am open to) If you want I can call you... regarding the first come first serve.. I can't sit on something and pass up a sale if someone else is still thinking of it.. not doing it to be a butt head, just don't want to lose out on selling something. Really could use the money..

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#25 Post by Happyboy »

Thats pretty hokey man. To say he has first dibs on it then when he asks another question to say its 1st come 1st server is wrong.

So, before he sends paypal will you guarantee there are no metal shavings in the frame? I don't mind running fluid through it since its dusty but if there are metal shavings then its not going to be worth it.

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#26 Post by cdalerider75 »

QUOTE (Happyboy @ Apr 1 2007, 11:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thats pretty hokey man. To say he has first dibs on it then when he asks another question to say its 1st come 1st server is wrong.

So, before he sends paypal will you guarantee there are no metal shavings in the frame? I don't mind running fluid through it since its dusty but if there are metal shavings then its not going to be worth it.

Sean.. all I know about the quad is when I got it the crank was seized and that the person really only changed the oil once.. now either you want it or you don't it is that simple.. but as you keep dragging your feet.. someone else offers 100$ + shipping it is sold.. Yes at first dibs it was spoken for but you now have questioned what I am selling.. and I am not going to pass up on someone else while you think about it...

there is nothing hokey about it, either you want it or you don't

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#27 Post by Happyboy »

Man you are a piece of work. Before I even asked a question about it you said fcfs so don't go throwing that in my face. I am guessing it has metal in it by the way you are avoiding answering that. I give up, you just aren't worth it.

Good luck to anyone that buys parts from dembek, you better ask every question in the book to be sure you are getting what you are paying for. This would have been 100% easier if you had just posted your number. We could have had this deal taken care of in 5 minutes instead of having 2 days worth of posts.

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#28 Post by 383astro »

I have a question. Does okiefx400 happen to from Oklahoma? I am from OK and I would love to get together and ride sometime at Little Sahara or somewhere. After my dales back together anyway. I also may be interested in the frame depending on shipping to 74868. I think you can ship those ups. I have seen it before. Thanks

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#29 Post by cannondale27 »

I want to know who deleted at least two of my posts that had the quotes in them?Rule is people are supposed to be notified before any deleting is done by mods.By deleting those quotes the posts that were left made no sense.Therefore I deleted the ones you see that say deleted.This whole topic should be deleted since its all a mess and a very sad showing of this site for sure.Havent seen anything this bad for along time.Get rid of it.

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#30 Post by cdalerider75 »

QUOTE (Happyboy @ Apr 1 2007, 11:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Man you are a piece of work. Before I even asked a question about it you said fcfs so don't go throwing that in my face. I am guessing it has metal in it by the way you are avoiding answering that. I give up, you just aren't worth it.
Good luck to anyone that buys parts from dembek, you better ask every question in the book to be sure you are getting what you are paying for. This would have been 100% easier if you had just posted your number. We could have had this deal taken care of in 5 minutes instead of having 2 days worth of posts.

Sean you have my number... I will call you.. how am I not answering your question?? You asked about the frame I told you what you know.. my guess there really is no person that needs it.. that you are setting this all up to make me look bad...

How am I avoiding answering the question... piston was seized... quad sat for a long time.. oil was sludge like... what am I not telling you.. do be an as5hole

If you really wanted to talk to me why didn't you PM me your number and say hey Chris call me when you get a chance.. Steve did and we talked yesterday.. works both ways brother...

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