C'Dale built up motard Street legal

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#31 Post by 2000ex »

Also forgot to add silencer is cracked where header connects. The only thing salvageable is the head, case, and tranny on the motor and the chassis. Guess I should have looked at it and heard it before buying. We have all probably been there.

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#32 Post by tearoam »

ouch. i guess it comes with the territory when owning a cannondale. good luck man.

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#33 Post by sjstar »

i could tell just from looking at the flywheel cover that it was well used. The seat looks like those are wear marks not lay down marks. At least its another cdale saved

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#34 Post by Canniboomer »

QUOTE (2000ex @ Nov 20 2009, 01:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
.....Also forgot to add silencer is cracked where header connects.

....Sorry to hear about the unexpected condition.
This common crack location might look familiar:

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#35 Post by wistech »

If you paid $2000 for it then I wouldnt complain . The motard parts alone are worth that. I assumed the engine in that one would have been wasted by the condition of the chassis,clutch cover and tires.

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#36 Post by 2000ex »

John, the price is irrelevant. It is about honesty and disclosure of hours, and condition. Pictures don't always tell the whole story either way. It wil be getting the complete overhaul it deserves

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#37 Post by wistech »

I dont know... from his description of 4 oil changes that he had done,seat cover replaced,tires replaced, and it was driven as a dirt bike before converting to a tard I personally would have just assumed the engine was on its last legs.

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#38 Post by sjstar »

what does the four oil changes have to do with it. Meaning this motors only last about that long or lack of oil changes.

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#39 Post by wistech »

QUOTE (sjstar @ Nov 23 2009, 11:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
what does the four oil changes have to do with it. Meaning this motors only last about that long or lack of oil changes.

Oil turns black at about ten hours on average for a stocker. 4x10 =~40 hours . plenty of time to waste a stock crank . Of course who and why the oil was changed is all speculation. I bought ny tard with the original oil in it and the owner said he never changed it. I know it only ran raced one weekend before he bought it.It was still clean which means it had just one or 2 tanks of fuel through it= less than 5 hours which I gambled the engine was still good and it was perfect inside. It also was in showroom condition with almost no wear on original tires. Tard tires are gone at 500 to 700 miles easy . Another good indicator.
Yes stock cranks can last over 100 hours we know that but they can also blow at less than 10. Roll the dice or use your best judgemnet. If someone said at least 4 oil chnages to me Im paying salvage money for noninspected crank.

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#40 Post by wistech »

Here's how I stay out of problems with buying engines running or not. Offer the seller my salvage price and do a full explanation of the ins and outs of cannondale crank /cam failures if they are clueless. Then offer extra cash when upon teardown all parts are good for reuse. I have even torn engines down upon pickup right in front of the seller just to assure them I mean what I say. Most times I tell them to mark there parts when shipped to me to verify they are seeing their parts whne torn down. If parts are good the seller gets a few hundred extra bucks and good feedback ,if parts are junk the seller gets little cash and good feedback.
If the seller wont agree to these terms I assume he is try to rip me off and say no thanks. Its not that I dont trust the sellers opinion on condition of the items ,its that I CANT trust the seller .

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