Looking to buy a MOTO

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#21 Post by Derno24 »

Didn't you pull the motor to put a Falicon in? If so what is the beef? You dropped the motor anyway.

To me a clutch is a wear item. So the only thing you may have a complaint about is the drain plug and a tranny filter. If you want I have a tranny plug here with a washer. Give me your addy in a pm and it is yours.

Seems to me like you are reaching some.

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#22 Post by Colby »

I don't owe you anything I didn't own the atv and don't own it now. I didn't say I maintained the atv. I said it was maintained.

Chancy said he wanted $4500 for the atv and settled for $4200 because you said you would have to do some maintence to get it to your standards. sounds like that is what you are doing now..

As for the dampner I was doing you a favor selling it to you at cost. My bad

As for pulling the motor to change the clutch and remove a stuck tranny filter that seems like you are making more work that what needs to be since it has a quick change clutch cover and the tranny filter hole isn't that hard to get to.

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It is clear you miss the point.

#23 Post by elkapower »

Get your wifes brother to call. As a dealer you said it was maintained, It was not. I know how much wear is on all my riders quads.
The tranny filter is where you can not get to it, it is stuck between the gears, so the side cover needs to come out. The side cover needs to come out since the clutch components need to be disassembled before the tranny cartridge can be removed. So, I have to pull the engine.
So, why am I ticked, cause this Moto was NOT in good shape, looked good, but the problems listed are not indicative of a well maintained machine. I have 5 riders on quads that are well maintained, and these problems are not on their stuff.
So, you can say what you want, Chancy owes me, and if he does nothing, then more posts will happen until all the problems are posted. This is public now since you both would not return my calls. Your wife answered the phone the oher day, and I asked for you.
Don't get me wrong, you ARE involved, since you lead me to believe and Chancy said you maintained it. You say you did not, but that is after the fact. If I have to eat this problem, which is clear to me that you and your brother in law intend to happen, then own up to the problem. Sorry, but the facts are what the facts are. Nothing here is mistated. Nothing. And nothing at this point will make it better than getting the money issue out of the way. IF you or your brother in law take care of that, I will be happy to post that there might be some honor in Omaha.

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#24 Post by haydug »

Let me get this straight. You bought a used quad. The tranny filter is stuck in the tranny?

This could have easily happened the last time the oil was changed (which means the oil was changed) however I don't think anyone would have seen this, as it was inside the engine.
Did you look at the bike before paying for it? Just curious is all, not taking anyone's side. Did you ride it? Did the clutch slip then? Fill us in on the details of everything.

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#25 Post by elkapower »

No, I was not planning to put in a falicon crank in mine, I put it in for my customer. Wish I could afford such a nice update. But the old shoe makers daughter thing I guess. That is why I am soo steamed over this. With
2 kids in college, too much to do everything.
I just want to ride, not quibble.:eek:

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#26 Post by elkapower »

Could not ride it, it would not start. Allegedly tuned for 3000 feet.
It was also one of those 5 degree days, which Cdales usually have a hard time kicking over. Also, with the green color, being a deep color, I was afraid to push it since at that color the antifreeze was probably not diluted for below freezing temps, and did not want to do damage to the water pump, or other things. I did check it later, it was diluted for 15 degrees. It was 5 out, he left it was 5 below.
Not just the tranny thing, but add to it the clutch and other stuff, and it adds up.
Obviously, I have still had no call, so I will be fixing all the things that were supposed to be in GREAT shape.
Yes I did inspect it, and as I said before, out of respect for a fellow dealer I let him go to the show, since he had driven from Omaha and still had a couple of hours to go.
Oh well, chalk it up to another learning curve. I am done with this post. Have to go work on my quad.

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