2002 Moto

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#21 Post by haydug »

Guess I've missed your post somehow. Anyway, shocks are for 180 lb pro mx. Bike has around 10-20 hours on it. It is extremely clean and needs nothing. I have been racing it in the indoors this year. Give me a call if you need any more info on it.
As for Chris being a sandbagger: Well, won't answer that. He is doing extemely well for no longer than he has been riding.
He has a graphics kit ordered yes. Hopefully I'll make it up there at some point next season and run with you guys.

Going to the indoor on the 3rd?

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#22 Post by Jammer72 »

Doug I'll trade you my speed that no one wants for your moto that nobody wants. At least that way we'd have different quads to look at.LOL:D biggrin.gif :w:

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#23 Post by haydug »

I would prefer cash, but if you have enough boot, I'm sure we can work something out. :deal:

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#24 Post by haydug »

:hammer: back to the top. biggrin.gif

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#25 Post by jfarrar »

haydug let me talk to brian(usamoto00)a friend of ours just sold his yfz and is looking for a moto.

you might be able to deliver it sunday:D

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#26 Post by haydug »

Sounds good. But I would like to ride it some on sunday, I put the 450 kit in the woods bike, so it's a little narrow but I'll probably bring it with me for you guys to try out.
I checked mapquest, freakin 5 hours to get there. :eek:

Do they have mini quad practice?? I'm wanting to bring the boy with me.

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#27 Post by thomez »

I am a tried and true pro at "breaking" in the quads - bring the 450 kit bike biggrin.gif

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#28 Post by haydug »

No problem, but you know what they say:
"You break it, you BUY it"

How many do you want me to bring??

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#29 Post by jfarrar »

ill check on the mini's they had lil bikes last saturday so i think they will.says all bikes all quads.i'll let ya know

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#30 Post by thomez »

Doug, you have the FDO head on one of your quads already? Is it coming?

Also, how far are you from FDO ... maybe you could deliver my head and save some shipping $$$ and time? I'd thank you with a free slightly cracked thumb throttle :deal:

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