Anybody have a "cheap" C-dale?

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#31 Post by comander420 »

good luck with your dale search, I think you might find a cannibal or speed for that kind of money. I just picked up a blaze that had the shocks sold off of it and has an oil leak somewhere for $2,300, but no updates or anything special. The most important thing to remember witha dale is that they need, high quality synethic oil changes every 10 hours (3 quarts x $3-5 a quart and around $5-10 for a filter) and they do have problems sometimes, and when they have a major problem it will take some serious $$$. I'm not trying to dicourage you at all from a dale, I have a speed and a blaze, but I also have a warrior (for sale), and the warrior is always ready to go and always starts right up where the dale constantly need oil changes and has let me down a few times when it wouldn't start from a fouled plug (takes about 30 minutes or beter to change). If you get a dale most of us will be here to help you keep it running!! so good luck and let us know when you find one

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#32 Post by thomez »

Originally posted by TheJaspMan
Know what it's like?!

Kid, saving money and buying stuff at home gives you no opinion on life worth acting like a jerk yourself. I praise you for being a smart youth and settiung high goals. But walk softly, some of us adults have had the crap kicked out of us in life and can change from friendly to aggresive real fast. Being fathers, mortgage payers and family mechanics is a lot more stress than trying to pass pop quizes or exams. That goes for the big school kids too.

Attempting to justify attacking a 15 year old kid just isn't going to work. Please stop.

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#33 Post by theJeStEr1340 »

I know how you feel wanadale. I found out about these, sold my dirtbike and then worked all summer to buy mine. I paid 3500 for my cannibal. It had a pipe, nerfs and all updates. Keep your head up and you will get your dale, but liek everyone said, they are maintnance intense, I pay about $30 a month for oil alone, and that is riding every weekend for a few hours. Brakes cost about $25 a set, that means $75 for all the way around. Good luck though.

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#34 Post by Mjollnir »

Originally posted by thomez
Attempting to justify attacking a 15 year old kid just isn't going to work. Please stop.

In JaspMan's defense, I don't think he attacked him, and when he did post his opinion of the post, the age of Wantacdale was not known.

I still say that bad feelings were caused because of the way the initial post was worded.


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#35 Post by TheJaspMan »

Originally posted by thomez
Attempting to justify attacking a 15 year old kid just isn't going to work. Please stop.

Have a little more faith in me than that. It was not an 'attack'. Don't read your interpitation into my typing. Please don't start that kind of issue T, I wouldn't disrespect you like that.

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#36 Post by Happyboy »

Don't worry Jasp, I think Thomez is still sore that you beat him to 1000.

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#37 Post by USAMoto00 »

Boy Zack, your feathers have been ruffled quite often lately, I like it. lol I still think that the responses have been right on. If this KID is so proud of doing it himself(like almost ALL of us), then go all the way. Buy a cheap one and do the updates himself to learn about the quad. But to just come out and say that he wants a Moto/Blaze with all updates for nothing.....please get real. I really hope that he finds one though so he "understands" why we all stand behind them so strongly. I have an idea, why don't you sell him yours Zack?smile.gif

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#38 Post by thomez »

Originally posted by TheJaspMan
Have a little more faith in me than that. It was not an 'attack'. Don't read your interpitation into my typing. Please don't start that kind of issue T, I wouldn't disrespect you like that.

I apologize for using the word "attack" Jasp.

Hey Brian, if I had a stock Cannibal with the updates I'd have no trouble realizing what it was worth and selling it for that.

However, that isn't what I have. :w:

How about we find this kid a 'Dale that he can afford and quit bickering :drink:

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#39 Post by USAMoto00 »

I just like getting you going Zack. I'm watching for one, but one with all the updates is rare. I just sold a Cannibal for a friend for $2300. But of course, no updates. That's all I was getting at. No bickering bro, just some fun. :hammer: :usa

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#40 Post by Derno24 »

Originally posted by thomez
I apologize for using the word "attack" Jasp.

Hey Brian, if I had a stock Cannibal with the updates I'd have no trouble realizing what it was worth and selling it for that.

However, that isn't what I have. :w:

How about we find this kid a 'Dale that he can afford and quit bickering :drink:

Do you still own a Dale Thomez?tongue.gif

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