Swingarm buffers (chain slides)

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Swingarm buffers (chain slides)

#1 Post by Jaybr »

Ok guys, I just bought all the remaining swingarm buffers at the factory (approx. 400). I know you all need a few spares in your parts box, so help me get rid of these things.

$13 each
$11 each for 5-9
$9 each for 10 or more

+shipping cost

I bought 10 at the factory last week and paid $13.84 each at liquidation price, so this is a great deal. I had to buy all they had to get the price down. If you want larger quantities we can talk.

Email me at jaybr@comcast.net

or PM me or Nrath

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#2 Post by Ryanstones »

Put me down for 5! I'm determined to keep her running long enough to wear them all out!
I'm sure these are the second version slides, with the serial number molded into them? I remember when they ran out of the first version and we couldn't get slides for like a month. My swingarm will bear the scars forever :eek:

I heard a real negative user review of the TMdesign $40 slides. I'll stay with stock.

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#3 Post by xtremesj »

Hey Jay
I will take 5.
Maybe we can hook up and ride sometime. I can pick them up then.

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Re: saweet!

#4 Post by NRath »

Originally posted by Ryanstones
I'm sure these are the second version slides, with the serial number molded into them?

These do have the numbers molded on the inside. The first order is on the way to PA! How ironic...
I've got a feeling this is going to keep me busy!

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#5 Post by Jaybr »

Just got home from yet another trip to the factory picking up stuff and shopping. I ended up with 600 swingarm buffers, a couple hundred of them are for the bikes. The bike buffers will work on the quads if you cut off a couple inches on the bottom, won't work the other way around.

Thanks Ryan and Steve, now I've only got 590 left ohmy.gif ohmy.gif

I'm gonna have to do alot of riding to use up all these.

BTW: I took the digital camera to the factory, but they wouldn't let me take pictures:mad:

It's really a shame all the unfinished parts in there. I tried to get the remaining nerf bars, and they found 6 or 8 left bars and no rights. They also have a bunch of bars bent with no tabs for the nets. There's unfinished frames, engine cases, a-arms, and pretty much anything else they made. The other thing I guess I never thought of is that they don't have a welding robot, they did it all by hand.

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#6 Post by jcv440 »

Yeah, I was up there too. I picked up a bunch of tools. Engine stands, head stands, tear down tables, bunch of bearing pullers, valve spring tools. Real good stuff. I wanna be able to service these machines right!

And some stuff for myself. Some used stuff, and plastic.

I hated walking around there. It really felt weird walking around there, no one was building anything, no buzz going on about the machines, where they where going next to test ride. Just really tore me up. If I wouldn't have got some great deals, it woulda really ruined my day to see that. Girlfriend was laughing her arse off at me about being bummed about it.....she says I got it BAD! lol

I just can't imagine being an ex-employee and having to go up there to sell everything off. It'd absolutely break my heart to see it go down this way. sad.gif I don't know how Maz does it.....I really don't.

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