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Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 5:48 pm
Aaron Hart was banned from this site for multiple reasons, including but not limited to...

Scamming members and sponsors of their parts and money
Creating multiple user accounts to make it look like he had "fans"
Creating alias accounts to hide his identity
Lying about his real identity during transactions

Many people did business with him at first and he was a very enthusiastic kid that had a lot of cool ideas and had the want to get them done. The problems occurred when he lost his job and was hard up on funds. The true measure is not how you handle yourself when things are going well, its how you handle things when they go south. And his lying about his identity and creating false names shows why kind of person he was and always will be. A scared childish thief who you cannot trust.

We cannot stop him from coming back and creating new accounts but as we find out who he is he will continue to get banned. At least this way we hope he won't be able to build up enough reputation here to continue scamming folks.

The names we know he has come on here as are:

hartracing3478 -- called himself by his real name, Aaron Hart
roxiegirl819 -- called himself Trey

Aaron Hart

email address:
Yahoo Messaging ID: