Wanted: D&B / Mapping Cord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Wanted: D&B / Mapping Cord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#1 Post by rob_me686 »

i have a problem :mad: :mad: :mad:
i cant seem to find my cord
:cry: :cry:
i have no idea where this thing is!!!!
As a pre-caution i wanted to post a message incase i cant find it, and that i need to get a new one!
i need one and i have No clue where mine is
does anyone know if its possible to get this cord elsewhere at a store or can you only get it with the whole mappig kit?
any help in this matter would be great


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#2 Post by thomez »

I bet you can buy it from Optimum ... might be pricey though...

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#3 Post by cannondale27 »

Last time I looked it was $150 from Optimum.Ouch!

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#4 Post by rob_me686 »

are you kidding me?
150 bucks just for the cord?
thats a joke and a half
theres no way in paying that much for the cord that i will probably only end up using twice.
thats way too much

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#5 Post by thomez »

Maybe if you get a new forum name other than "rob_me" it will be cheaper :confused:

Sorry, I just couldn't resist! biggrin.gif

I agree that is rediculous! :hammer:

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#6 Post by rob_me686 »

that was good tomez
no problem
a little fun a always good!!

but ya thats retarded, i cant see how the cord could possibly be 150 bucks.... like it shouldn't be more then 30 bucks for a cord like come on gimme a break!

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#7 Post by cannondale27 »

Lots of people have been trying to make a cord but nobody has been able to crack the contents of the black box on it.One guy even had it x-rayed.I and alot of others would like to see a Whiz design a completely new operating system for our Dales something like the Holley system which is totally tunable right from your PC for free.Anyone have Hexagonal programing expierience?

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#8 Post by claas900 »

..I dont know anything about Hexagonal programing,heak i dont even know what it is...I do know a few PC nerds,but they dont even know how to check the oil on a motor..lol...Im sure someone on here has the GP program masterd? Just a matter of getting them to talk..:cheers:

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#9 Post by trav »

i have a few spares, need one for sure let me know.

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