New battery.

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New battery.

#1 Post by JST »

I checked the parts sticky and found nothing for a battery.

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#2 Post by haydug »

I use a rtx 9 bs
Some people run the 12 battery.

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#3 Post by Derno24 »

YT12a-bs same size better cca's I might have found an even better one. A friend who races drag races Hayabusa's was telling me that there is an even better battery than this one and the same size!

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#4 Post by Derno24 »

I said I was looking into it. I want to make sure it is a direct physical size replacement. Getting someone to hand me their battery for a week is kinda hard.tongue.gif

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#5 Post by JST »

I see alot of #s and letters flying around but no manufacture name.

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#6 Post by Derno24 »

yusa yt12a-bs It shouldn't matter on manufacturer due to the fact that most of the smaller batteries are manufactured by the same company just different labels.

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#7 Post by speed2424 »

Even NAPA has the yt12a-bs battery. But they dropped the YT in front. Now it goes by

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#8 Post by USAMoto00 »

Speed, I think your full of bs. lol j/k:usa

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#9 Post by speed2424 »

Thats where I got mine from. And the only bs here is at the end of the part number. 12a-bs.tongue.gif

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#10 Post by USAMoto00 »

Where's my boots?? lol

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