Cannondale Parts Delivery Stinks

Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Mar 10, 2021 10:41 pm

#11 Post by kdeal »

Do us all a favor and go buy a Honda! Dude, you have no class what so ever. You revive an old thread, to complane (misspelled purpossely to get around filter) about what and then don't give any details. If you have never dealt with Black Widow & you seem to like ATK's service, there is no one else making Cannondale parts! If you are dealing with someone else, grow a set and deal with it! Don't go in a site and complane when there are only a couple of vendors on the site and complane about none of them.

PS: There is this thing called the For Sale section, use it well.

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Joined: Wed Mar 10, 2021 10:41 pm

#12 Post by jwheat »

QUOTE (UpsMan @ Mar 24 2007, 05:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Cannondale died 4 years ago. I am not anonymous. My name is Roger Brown and I live in Berlin Wisconsin. The reason I refreshed this thread is because every vendor I have dealt with to rebuild my race quad this year has taken twice as long to do their service as they said it would, in one case, three times as long and counting. ATK and private sellers have been great in getting me parts fast as promised. Steve C27 has been great, wistech also. I have not ordered from BlackWidow, so you are OK so far. I'm not going into detail about my transactions with other companies in this forum, but some should really step up their delivery times OR be more realistic when tellling you how long it will take so you can plan accordingly. I have dry ground here now and no fuking quad to ride. I'm not pleased. Honda is going to be selling me a quad shortly.

If you have a problem with a specific vendor, there is an appropriate way to handle that. You need to post specifics and not just a general rant. I can personally vouch for our vendors on this site, because I have dealt with each one of them on several occasions. The best way to handle a problem with a vendor is to contact them directly.... not go on forum site and bash them.

I'm closing this thread as it serves no purpose.... but I am leaving it up so people can read it and see there is more than 1 side to every arguement.


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