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Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 2:40 pm
by cannondale27
Wink with Falicon now building a new crankshaft I bet they arent going to be in any hurry to supply you with rods.Might be time to either go back with Carillo or find something else.

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 6:57 pm
by DangerRanger
I am sure to take a bashing for this comment. or even banned, but I am tire of the bellyaching.

Why the #uck do we beat those who are trying to help, over their heads in work, and trying to pull ahead, all to help us and to make a living????????

It seems we are quick to jump all over those offering help, at the first sign of anything "wrong" bash and banish them, and wind up losing some valuable assets, insite, and info.

You ladies (edited by Jaybr) amaze me, I remember this kind of $hit in highschool, this aint highschool, so take off the panties and grow up.

I hope I offended those of you who act like this, that was the point. I have waited on somethings sometimes more than I thought I could possibly tolerate, but I would never bash someone who eventually came through. I learned to never burn a bridge no matter if you dont ever take might just need it sometime, so wait till you fall in the water.

I guess I believe in this saying..

Its an adult wouldn't understand.

To all of you who have helped in anyway, keep up the good work, and don't let a few (edited by Jaybr) ruin it all. your work, time, supplies, knowledge, and overextension of yourself is noticed by those who care. Nobody is trying to be a millionaire over these or any other quad/bike.

I don't blame Wink, Maz, Marcum, Doug, Jeff, and ton of others if they just unplugged the phones, turned off the computer, and moved their lives elsewhere......they have all put in their due time...and all seem to catch too much slack...nobodys perfect. Why don't we all call some of the former c-dale employees and owners and harass them for not being everything we think they should be?????

Let the hating begin...I can take it.

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 7:06 pm
by Jammer72
How could you B1tch when your cranks got moved ahead of Doug when they had been up there before a lot longer.

Nuff said.

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 7:25 pm
by haydug
Hey Dangerranger, go eat a lude and calm down. Not sure why you are getting so tore up here. I have been watching this thread, and I see NO bashing so far. Trader feedback is for honest dealings with an individual and should be kept that way. As long as someone comes on here in a civilized manner, then it will be permitted (good or bad). If you need proof, there is a negative feedback about me here somewhere. BUT. This thread was about someone having a bad experience with diamond racing. Jim cam on and explained his side of the story. Now that both sides have been told, everyone else should stay out of it, unless you have had dealings with this person and would like to offer some defense. You obviously are happy with their service, but funny I never read that in your post.

Let's keep this civilized or I start deleting posts.

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 7:30 pm
by r.porter
I have two cranks that I will be shipping to Winky. And I have no worry that they will be fixed and made better than new. If you people weren't so cheap and wanted instant fixes for give away prices you have another route. Go to your local machine shop and have them make you a custom crank. See how long that takes and what it costs. I can tell you unless you are willing to pay out the wahzoo you will be put on the back of their priority list. Winky can't repair if he doesn't have the parts and if he's lied to then he has to deal with that. I for one am grateful that someone is trying to keep our Cannondale dreams alive.

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 7:41 pm
by DangerRanger
I am just tired of everyone airing all their dirty laundry at a whim....but very very slow to offer any positive feedback. If I aired some of the stuff from the past two years with exception to only a few on here....I could bet my life and well being, that everyone would close up shop, no joke. you would split open knowing some things that have gone on.

All in all, all my dealings have had good and bad outcomes, in the end, I make the judgement on weather it was bad business, or just people overextending themselves. Overall, I have learned most never expected the outcomes, and are dying trying to make it all right, you can' t please everyone, only some will be truly happy, and other will never say a word.

This is one reason I got out of my own business...too much drama, the stress and heartache weren't worth it, I lost alot of good $$, but found my true friends, and less stress. I don't envy even the worst business man/woman.

I need a drink. :drink:

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 8:06 pm
by EuroGOD
I'm with Ben :drink: Some people have, and continue to, taken flack for not providing an instant "drive through" service. Yet we constantly hear that some of the custom suspension makers have a waiting list as well.....

Lighten up guys. I know how frustrating it can be having to look at an immobile quad but a quick question will get an answer quicker than shouting.

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 8:27 pm
by thomez
The problem isn't the service, but who gets it, how timely they get it, and why they get it when they get it. If you are gonna **** some at the expense of others, you are gonna catch he!! for it when the lights come on. That has happened. End of story.

I have nothing against Winky personally, but bad business is bad business.

Nobody is complaining about the price, there are a handful of people that are just wanting what they paid for in a timely manner. Isn't that fair?

Why would you b!tch and moan Ben, you bought 2 Cannondales and had a motor ready in what, 2 weeks?! The fact that you can b!tch about other people b!tching with that fact established is what ceases to amaze me! Period, dot.

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 8:43 pm
by Jammer72
Thomez I've got one word for you:


You summed up everything this thread is about and the feelings a lot of us share.

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 8:50 pm
by Jctmotorsports
Look.... No one can realy say what is like til you've been there, I see both sides, I am there myself. However Jim did what he said he would for me, It took longer than he said, but was done. While I was upset with Jim I had the exact same thing happing here in my shop with me in Jim's place. Good work takes time I will not half-*** job #1 to get to job #2, as I assume Jim is the same. Only so many hours in the day, These are our jobs, not our lives, not to be confused with livelyhood. Anyone it free to send there items anywhere to be rebuilt or machined. I will send my items to Jim, but it's not a suprise anymore that he is busy, and it takes time to do things right. It's hard to get up everyday when you do your best to do things right and help people with their problems and no one understands or gives a dam...

I understand Jim.....
