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Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 4:13 pm

I HAVE been trying to get in touch with you. As a customer I shouldn't have to track you down to get my parts order. I'm not on an Easter egg hunt. If an order is placed, ship the parts promptly or let the customer know that there will be a delay. To let an order just sit in limbo past thirty days, without any idea when you will have it, is to long.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 6:22 pm
by bphillman
My .02 is as follows..

Those that have dealt with maz and had either good or bad experiences post, those that haven't should back off..... If you are considering using for parts or service.. I highly recommend it!

I can say this better than anyone else. Maz's issue is that he is over committed. He is over committed because he is very knowlegeable and is too nice. He doesn't like to say no. Unfortunate as it is, He tries to please too many people all the time.. he over-extendes himself and then you have what we have here....

Lets paint a picture for you all, you have one guy with a family, 2 small kids and a small business that operates nationally. You travel the country helping people that can't get local support. He has a clientel of about 1500 people (registered on his site) that call on him for everything from drain plugs to spark plugs. They ask questions and get answers. Steve has forgotten more about these things then I personally will ever know. It is not OK to go 16 months without product, it is not ok to not get return emails. And I am not making excuses, I am just trying to paint a picture for people. His phone rings off the hook, he is getting email 24 hrs a day that is mixed with all the crap email we all get. Be patient and be persistent. If you are uncomfortable, you can take your chances elsewhere.... Maz has always come through for me though. He and I have forged a relationship that will definatel last far after this vehicle has bitten the dust.

My statements to Maz have been to estimate your time and then add a week. Set the expectation to a point that you KNOW you can achieve.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 9:09 pm
by USAMoto00
Wow! I must have missed this thread the last time I was on here. It really makes me upset because I know what Maz is TRYING to do. He is simply one person though and cannot keep up. As a small business owner, I understand, as a consumer, I have been dealt with as a top priority client. Maz actually has always made me feel like I was a "somebody" in the racing community because he is always trying to get me to take more than I need from him. Does he need help? Absolutely YES. Why? Because he tries too hard and too much is all. He is over-extended because of a kind heart if anything. If he has a problem with anything it is probably saying NO. If he would do that more often and not take the hit for his vendors making him wait, he would be fine. Just my 2 pennies.:usa

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 5:31 am
by jwheat
Let me start by saying that I don't know Maz and I have never talked with him. I have talked with someone at his shop and he was very helpful. I, too, own a business and I can tell you it's hard to get any work done when everybody wants to talk directly to you and not someone else at your shop. I have people all of the time that call or come by and ask to talk to me instead of letting the salesman in front of them handle their business. I can appeciate that and I try to accomodate them, but it takes me away from alot of other things that need my attention. I imagine that this may very well be the case with Maz. From what I have read and heard, Maz is a great guy and he sincerely cares about all of his customers. We need to cut him some slack. The next time you want to talk bad about the person behind the salescounter, put yourself behind that counter and deal a little with the public who is not always polite and understanding. As for me, when I need something that Maz can supply, I will gladly call him up and order from whoever answers the phone.



Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 1:13 pm
by Fox Mulder
I guess what we need here is a way to post polls without being allowed to actually post a response in the poll.

I was just looking for the facts, not a bunch of excuses.

Take a look at the Blackwidow poll:
28 excellent,
2 good
1 bad

I bet their a small business too, and probably nice guys as well. I know where I'll be ordering my parts from.

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 5:42 pm
by fig
Be glad you don't live in a communist country. This is the Unites States of America, you have the right to pursue your parts from any vendor. If you choose Brad you are picking a great company to do business with (I was with both him and Maz earlier this week). I have and will continue to order parts from Brad.

It seems that your only agenda for starting this poll was to flame Maz. The poll is worded in a way to inflame. Why didn't you copy the BlackWidow Poll? That pole was formatted properly.

I'm sure that Maz would appreciate your business however he might be able to feed his family without it. I don't pretend to speak for Maz, he is a friend that I never would of met without the "Cannondale world". On a side note FOX, did Maz screw you of anything? Why the vendetta?

You talk about excuses, what's your excuse?


Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 5:44 pm
by Mjollnir
Originally posted by Fox Mulder
I guess what we need here is a way to post polls without being allowed to actually post a response in the poll.

I was just looking for the facts, not a bunch of excuses.

I apologize, Mr. Mulder, for taking the time to add additional information and offending your delicate sensibilities as to what you think should happen around here.

Henceforth, I will personally make an effort to never contribute additional information or comments that might be construed as a personal opinion or an actual thought. God knows that's not what these public forums are for.

I would suggest that everyone please take note and post all questions and requests in the form of a yes or no question, and please only answer questions with "Yes" or "No". We wouldn't want anyone to get the wrong idea.


You can buy your parts from the Easter Bunny for all I care. I'll still tell people what I think.


Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 7:39 pm
by Jaybr
Ok, I'm locking this thread and will probably delete it unless there is anyone that has a problem with that.

Check the Vendor Polls forum and revote there.

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 8:13 pm
by Jaybr
Thread unlocked per request, please keep it clean.

I am closing the poll, if you wish to vote please use this poll

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 8:22 pm
by JeffQuadShop
Ok, I need to put my experiences in here. I think Maz is a great guy and means well but needs help when it comes to business decisions.

At first Maz was great sending parts when needed and even helped me out with a motor last year.
In the last year things have drastically changed! This past fall I agreed to accept payment in parts for money that he owed on his account with us. I received about 1/4 of the parts about 3 weeks later. I called to check on the other parts for the next several months with no luck contacting him through phone calls, emails and PM's. A couple weeks ago I made a post on Cannondaler and he finally replied in a PM that he was busy or whatever and I PMed him back saying ok, no problem just send the rest of the parts. Since then I have had no more contact nor have I received the parts.
I'm sorry to say that I can no longer recommend to people like I have done so many times in the past through my business and racing career. I will rethink this if I receive the rest of my part in a timely manner.