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Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 9:11 pm
by GDITheman
I'll tell you I am a bit nervous. I just sent my engine MAZ to be rebuilt. I did so for a couple reasons. He took time to respond to my email and call me and discuss rebuilding at some length . I do believe he has more knowledge than ATK on these engines. I do believe he can do a better job of rebuilding than ATK can.

I am very interested to see how the whole transaction is completed. I can tell you that I probably would have blown a gasket over some of the experiences you guys are describing. I am not a patient man. Just ask my loving wife who knows all too well. But I do want the best service for my money. I believe MAZ can do that. I just hope it's in a timely and professional manner.

In some of your eyes I may be a bit foolish to send off my engine to a guy who has had so many negative posts about him lately, but I do believe in taking a chance.

The worst that can happen is my Uncle Louie needs to make a trip to PA to meet MAZ. Never mistake kindness for weakness. wink.gif

MAZ hurry up and get back so you can resolve these issues. I 'm rooting for you. I think if you can resolve some of these things you can get back on top. If I wasn't rooting for you I would have redirected my engine to ATK. Good luck and have a safe trip back.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 3:31 am
by bphillman
GDI.. Give maz the benefit of the doubt. I am positive he will come though for you. I was a bit put off by a person who had never dealt with him making a poll with a negative spin.... Thats the breaks I guess. You can't please em all I guess.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 11:12 am
by GDITheman
Originally posted by bphillman
GDI.. Give maz the benefit of the doubt.  

At this point I have or I would have rerouted my engine delivery to ATK.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 4:24 pm
by bphillman
GDI... This part was not to you but to the others that have posted negative comments based on others conversations

I was a bit put off by a person who had never dealt with him making a poll with a negative spin.... Thats the breaks I guess. You can't please em all I guess.

Sorry for the confusion.. :-)

You'll be happy!

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 6:19 pm
by MAZ
Ya know what guys...
I appricate those that have responded and said encouraging things.
On the other hand, the negitivity has got me just about to the point that I never return to this site.
If you have a problem with me, EMail me.
We can discuss it, work it out and get past it one way or another.

Jeff... I really think you and I need to talk about some things.
Helped you out w/ an engine???
Is that another way of saying I shipped you MY engine, for free, to have and use as your own for the rest of your life....when you needed it and didnt have one. And then down the road won an overall on that engine?!!!
I dont feel that our dealings, both of us being dealers, need to be aired in this forum.... It seems you feel differently about this.

We have been friends way too long to let something like this come between us.

Jay, lock it or keep it open, makes not difference to me...
This is my last post on this.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 6:35 pm
by JeffQuadShop
Steve, I have made countless phone calls and emails to you over the last 3-4 months and you refused to respond. Yes, you gave me an engine over a year ago and I thinked you many times by sending you countless customers. I also thanked you by allowing you to have a credit through my business which after a year and a half we agreeded that you could pay me in parts. I only receieced about 1/4 of these parts and now you refuse to talk to me about the ballance of parts owed.
I am still willing to work with you on this but it seems you would rather take vacations than to run your business.

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 3:48 pm
by bphillman
Jeff and Maz...

This is an offline conversation IMHO.. No one else here needs to read this stuff...

You 2 need to sitdown and work this one out by yourselves....

Peace out!

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 4:01 pm
by JeffQuadShop
I have tried many times Brian! This seems to be the only way I can get a response from him.

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 10:35 pm
by USAMoto00
So that was a "MAZ" engine that the Overall was WON on and not an ATK? Very interesting..........:usa

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 11:55 pm
by bombsquad54
i havent bought anything from maz personally, but when i needed help with sponsorship info, he agreed to help me no questions asked, super nice guy! he is hard to get a hold of, but so is all shop owners, i like maz, but i bought motor parts from haydug and he is my sponsor now, if i didnt have haydug, maz would be my first choice!!!!!!!!!!!!:usa