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Big Winky

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2003 3:42 pm
by candyassmiler
the winkster is good man. he hooked me up with what i needed and got it in the mail for me. i appreciate it buddy.biggrin.gif

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2003 11:51 pm
by timbomoose
I'll second that. Helped me and a buddy out on our dales for some tips and parts.Great guy.

Installed my Winky swingarm kit

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2004 6:57 am
by Ryanstones
and it is a Big improvement over stock!
Even solved the thrustwasher bore groove problem. I thought it was kinda expensive til i put it together. Nice Work Winky!

The Best!

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2004 2:39 am
by cannondale27
I have spent hours on phone with him.Kept forgeting they are hour later in time than me and not a complaint.Guys he is a honest to goodness machinist and total craftsman.There arent many around who can tackle any job from fabrication to engine diagnosis.True machinists have a feel for things and just know how to do it.This cant be taught in a classroom it is learned over many years and maybe is in the genes.I cant wait to get my motor together with his crank,bearings and headwork.