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Joined: Wed Mar 10, 2021 10:41 pm

#11 Post by CdalerGermany »

Actually , i won????t start to split the forum in pieces .
Even if it????s a nice idea with a european section .
Just for me i????m satisfied with the forum !!!!!!!!
I couldn????t have a better place concerning knowledge and enginebuilders as this forum .

The idea just came up , because some people still have some language issues in US forums .
Since i bought my cannibal i placed a link to cannondaleriders on my website , and still people asking around for information , dealers and so on .

I would just use the german forum as a little community in germany , but i would always get back to cannondaleriders forum for advise , news , and everything else . We????ll never get to this knowledge of cannondales in germany .

@Kdeal : willsend a mail to Orbitz , lets see if he????s still riding a dale !!


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