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Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 5:17 pm
by cannondale27
The reason they go overseas is because nowadays if your business doesnt turn 20% or more profit a year they consider it unsuccessful.Usually the expectation is 20% more than the previous year.Thats just plain greedy.The employees are lucky to see 2-3% wage increases.So who is getting all the $?When I started working they were having parties over a 5%profit.When times got slow we ran some inventory,fixed machines,trained and last resort laid off.Now they think nothing of laying you of on a days notice and then working everyone else overtime at same time.They think your whole life is work and your at thier beck and call.Most of these bigshots dont have a family or are divorced so it doesnt matter to them.Makes me sick.I dont have a union but I wish I did.

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 5:28 pm
by peterock
I'm middle ground on the union thing. They do serve their purpose. On the same note it seems like some of the unions are just a another government body sucking money out of your paycheck with your union dues. With heads of the unions being just as gready as the rest.

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 7:37 pm
by Kuma
Is this an opinion on unions?
Here's my take, the company that I work for is non union, I wish we had some of the benni's that the unions do get BUT, I'll use Boeing as an example, we could have a Boeing engineer on site with an item small enough to carry in their pocket and it needs to be returned to Boeing, the Engineer is not allowed to put it in his car and carry it back, they have to send for a truck with a teamster driver and another guy that rides along that loads the item on the truck and then they are on their way. I don't see how they can stay in buisness like that. I've heard stories that if they need a computer moved from one desk to another that it takes 3-4 people!

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 1:24 am
by UpsMan
The original post is kind of vague on exactly what he wants an opinion on , so here is where we are!

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 3:41 am
by thedeatons
I have spoken to factory reps from a few bicycle companies. Their specific responses to the question "why not build it here" was this: "It is cheaper to box the steel/aluminum tubing up, ship it overseas, have them weld it, and paint it, then have them ship it back finished, than it is to go down the street to a welder here in the USA". From the horses mouth. I don't care if you call it bull or not, I have priced Cannondales, and I have priced others. Cannondale bicycles typically have a lower spec product for the price, but an American made frame.

I don't care where the frame is made, I want components that work. As long as the frame doesn't break (which none of them do), it is doing it's job. The component spec is what makes the bike work better.

I work hard for my dollar, so when I pay for something I don't look at who made it, I look at what I get for my hard earned money. If Japan is making a better product, then the USA needs to get off their butts and fix their own products, rather than pay their bonuses and take vacations. The best product gets my money, end of story.

There are many products here in the states that are priced competitively, and made VERY well, and I buy them. Reef sandals is based in San Diego, I love them. Jandd bicycle bags is alsoo based in San Diego, I buy them too. Many aftermarket manufacturers are based here, such as Walsh, and are second to none. I am not buying their USA sticker, I am buying Walsh's product, reputation, and customer service.

By the way I am not calling you WRONG, this is an opinion post, and that is mine.

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 2:15 pm
by speedracer
I often wonder if anything is made in America anymore.It seems like most things you buy say "made in china".Workers here have simply made themselves uncompetive,due to the wages they demand.On the other hand,you have to make a decent wage to have a decent life.As far as unions go,they are the double edge sword,they keep the wages up for non-union workers,but,in the process,they contribute to over-pricing American workers in a global market. Really everyone knows its all about corporite greed.Perhaps they care more of the profit thats made than the product? Just my take on things.

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 7:51 pm
by cannondale27
Its really complicated.Wages are just a small part of the equation.About 10% by me.Where I work alot of parts are outsourced to different places.I have seen the quotes when they bid on the parts.It is very common to see 4 or 5 of the companies bidding within pennies of what our cost is and then there will be one or two that bid like 1/2 or less.Many of these are foriegn or in different states even.Thing is by us the ultimate goal is to have 3days inventory.No more.That is the highest priority goal of all goals they want.Why it costs so much to have inventory is a big issue.I believe the companies with the 1/2 cost or less bid are fudging the books especially if in USA because if they have a one year contract they are guaranteed the $ from those parts.So instead of setting up a machine 20 times throughout year to make those parts for the year like we do.They set it up 3 or 4 times to run the years worth of parts and just inventory them for shipment to us every 3 days.Having only a few setups compared to us is a huge cost saving and something that we cannot compete with.

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 3:58 pm
by jake
wow, didn't expect anyone really to take much notice to the taiwan comment. lol.

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 2:12 pm
by MyCannibal
Having a union makes the lazy worker even lazier...but I'm all for unions.

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 8:51 pm
by cannondale27
Sorry but my goal is to make most $ possible for least amount of work.Their goal is to get the most out of me for least amount of $ possible.Have always been able to find some middle ground.You should see their faces when you tell them that.Like I should not have the right to same goals as the company.LEAN is my motto.Work smart not hard laugh.gif