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Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 5:11 am
by thedeatons
Hello everyone...

I am trying to give a little back to a site that has helped me so much. I have begun logging Ohlins front and rear shock part numbers (for quads only so far) and plan to contact Ohlins regarding their associated .pdf files. I already have a few, and they contain great information like their valving and spring rates, along with stock settings from the factory. I think this will be a great addition to the other manuals available, and should be a exclusive!

I need some help in aqcuiring the leftover part numbers, as we simply do not have every shock available to us to check, though we are close!!

Front Rear
02 MOTO CN2730 CN2740
03 MOTO CN2741
02 CANNIBAL CN1741 CN1770
02 SPEED CN1741 CN1770
03 SPEED CN1742 CN
02 BLAZE CN2710 CN

Please attempt to copy and paste the list into your post, and fill in the blanks you know. The numbers I mentioned have all been confirmed as being original equipment among local friends and sighted to be sure. Please try to extend the same checks, and THANK YOU!

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 5:50 am
by Canniboomer
02 MOTO........CN2730 CN2740
03 MOTO........CN3730 CN2741
03 GLAMIS......CN3750 CN3760
02 CANNIBAL..CN1741 CN1770 also FX400
03 CANNIBAL..CN1742 CN1771
02 SPEED.......CN1741 CN1770
03 SPEED.......CN1742 CN1771
02 BLAZE........CN2710 CN2720
03 BLAZE........CN____ CN2721

Many of the year-to-year shocks are identical (per Ohlins USA), and only diffferent numbers to denote the general Cannondale purchase orders, and approx year of usage.
1741 are identical to 1742, for example and 1770/1771 etc. Don't be surprised to find a 2003 Speed with a 1741 on the left and a 1742 on the right!, yep it has happened, and the blow-out by NREL further mixed up shocks. C27 and I did a project on the Glamis fronts to compare to the Speed, and were very surprised that nearly every shim was different. But other shocks, like a few of the dirtbike rears, only differ by the spring rates on the same CN____ shock. But my info is scattered and still not complete. Nobody has summarized it all clearly, yet.... it will be a useful effort.

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 12:39 pm
by cannondale27
Wow thats awesome!

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 4:10 am
by thedeatons
Hey Dave... Do you have the dirtbike rear shock part numbers, specifically on the E440?

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 1:01 am
by Nickc711
Im guessing these are all the cannondale specific numbers..were all these shocks specific for cannondale or are they the same as other ohlins?

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 1:28 am
by thedeatons
Specific to Cannondale. They may be similar to other Ohlins, but things like spring rates and valving will be different. For instance, Cannondale uses a link-less rear suspension, so the rear shock must be more progressive on a Dale, because there is no progressive linkage.

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 3:06 am
by thedeatons
Hey guys.... I am resurrecting this thread. I recently got in touch with Ohlins and they sent me tons of CN---- suspension files in .pdf format. I am organzing them now, and Jim will be posting them on, hopefully under the year, model, and whether the number is for front or rear. This should help enlighten others as to which shocks they have.

Perhaps we can either make a sticky here or also set the .pdf files up on this site....

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 3:35 am
by thedeatons
So far I have files for the following:

02/03 Moto F&R (front & rear)
02 Cannibal F&R
02 Speed F&R
02 Blaze F&R
03 Cannibal R
03 Speed R

I also have a few that I wasn't aware of, can someone tell me what they are for?


Still waiting for these:

03 Glamis F&R
03 Cannibal F
03 Speed F
03 Blaze F&R (I need the shock number for a 2003 Blaze Front.....)

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 7:34 am
by SlOoT
This is what I have here:

03 BLAZE CN2710 (2003)
03 BLAZE CN2721 (2003)

The 2003 Speed I have here has Arvins on it...

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 4:13 pm
by thedeatons
Weird, the 2710 was for 02, and typically they made changes for 03, see list above... You sure?