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#21 Post by cannondale27 »

Yes Wistechs was just the 500 and adjustable fuel regulator so 8% adjustment was not enough even with fuel pressure cranked way up.Was still dangerously lean till Harley injectors were put in.Annimals needed mapping and fuel pressure increase to get it to run.

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#22 Post by Happyboy »

Originally posted by DIRT
Honestly I think this is good advise.I used to see you post about the z400 bearing thing  about some quads in the for sale section......
.As Forest Gump would say ...........Cannondales are like a box of chocolates you never know what your gonna get.

Is yours the exception or the rule? Nobody ever said that a dale couldn't run that long. Only that the odds are you will trash a crank. Yours is the exception.

And you are dead on with the Gump statement. Sad but so true.

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#23 Post by rubicon20032003 »

The problem is that half the poeple on here push the z400 update .And everyone interest in getting a dale you need all these updates .There are alot of dales with no updates running fine with aalot more hours then most of you.I have oil update and mm thats all.I think there pushed so the motor guys can make money? thats all.I say run it to it blows to.Why should you pull apart a running motor to put z400 ? If my ever goes .I'd buy a falicon anyways.I won't put a reworked used crank in a new motor anyways.And if your dale is for sale and doesn't have z400 its worth like $50 to the z400 fans out there?

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#24 Post by Happyboy »

No offense man, but you really should go back and read all the info on this update. If you could have seen the damage these bad bearings do you would be shocked. Lack of information is what is leading you to that attitude. Go up to Tim's and see the rods and cranks that have gone bad. How about you volunteer to fix a guys dale that had a crank blow up. Be sure to tear the frame all the way down and clean it out for hours on end just to get most of the metal out of it. Then track down replacement oil gears, piston and sleeve, and sometimes cams because of all the metal that got in there.

Yeah, some last some don't. Is the above really worth the risk if you are tearing it down to do some other updates anyway? Give me a freaking break.

And who is making money? Tim? Dang man, if you only knew what that man does for people.

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#25 Post by Happyboy »

PS, how the heck did this become about the Z400 bearing? ug....get back to mapping.

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#26 Post by Derno24 »

Originally posted by Happyboy
PS, how the heck did this become about the Z400 bearing?  ug....get back to mapping.

You started the run it till it blows thing, then Dirt took it one step further, then you went, then Rubicon, then You. Just thought I would give a lineage here.

As for the bearings better yes, but to call the stockers trash is kinda over the top. I am sure Tim would agree. I do value his opinion on this too.

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#27 Post by Happyboy »

****, i kinda did with the run it till it blows advise comment. :mad: Wasn't really about the Z bearing though. just in general.

Sorry about that guys...i sure didn't mean to take it that direction.

One thing though...on the mapping discussion....******, get back in there man. Its cool to through ideas out there and help people make more power. And I am sure 27 and Tim would try anything you suggested to see if it helped.

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#28 Post by Happyboy »

Originally posted by Derno24
As for the bearings better yes, but to call the stockers trash is kinda over the top.  I am sure Tim would agree.  I do value his opinion on this too.

Crank is junk? No, just the bearing.

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#29 Post by cannondale27 »

The old Ripsaw bearing thing comes up again:D

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#30 Post by timbomoose »

I think there (z400bearing)pushed so the motor guys can make money?

Z400 bearing has never been pushed to make money.I have put up posts with pics of a ficture on how to do it yourself.I am a rider too and don't want to waste my or others people time or money on stuff that doen't work.I look for the most affordable ways to get more power and reliability for me and everyone else.The Z400 bearing is a reliability upgrade to get more hrs out of your crank and nothing more.There are posts explaining how and why it will give you more hrs.Stock cranks are not junk.Just the bearing being used is (actually just the bearing cage).I have a crank book that says the 2 piece crank is the best design on a high rpm single cylinder mtr.If this were a money making scheme no one would know what bearing was being used and I wouldn't be charging the same as I pay for the bearing or what I charge to put it in. Its a just a few months shy of 2 yrs of the 1st one being used and a 1 1/2 since being released with no failures,holding up,and some making up to 37%more power(40-55hp on same dyno).If thats not proof I don't know what is.The oil update on the other hand,in my opinion, is a scam and something pushed just to make money.No crank I have ever taken apart has signs of lack of oil.

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