Sorry, I'm Done.

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#21 Post by dalewannbe »

Thanks for all you've done Timbo. I sure hope you get some well deserved rest and fun.

I'm looking forward to putting my timbo motor to the test this year!

I think we should rename the Terminator pistons to the Timinator's!

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#22 Post by acarli3 »

Tim, I can understand if you need some down time. I don't blame you a bit. I'm dissappointed that there are individuals out there that have cheated you money as I am sure that this is part of the reason you want out. You're a more trusting person than I am by letting parts out that weren't paid for. Nonetheless, I am sure you did it with a gentlemans agreement in tact. So I wont be surprised if your character diasallows you to honor my next request.....I want names of those that screwed you. I'm betting many here do. I want to be sure I stay clear of them as well.

You're a great guy. YOur customer service was nothing less than exceptional and you always went the extra mile. I enjoyed talking with you on the phone when you did my crank, throttlebody, and airbox work. I enjoyed your visit to Utah at the dunes.

I hope you reconsider. In the meantime, what can we do for you?

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#23 Post by r.porter »

What can I say that has not already been said. Your contributions will be missed by everyone whether they know it now or not.

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#24 Post by kdeal »

I spoke to Tim last night for a little while and I don't think we have lost our Monster just yet. He needs some recharge time and will have a few new business rules when he gets back. He will continue to sell you the piston kits and stuff he has on the shelf.

PLEASE, PLEASE give Timbo a break for a few weeks before attempting to contact him. I am hoping he is going to make it to Indy with the family for the Dealer show and we will talk more then.

I think we are going to have to call Uncle Vito & Big Tony to do some collection activities. So if you owe Timbo some coin and you see them coming, I hope you can find your checkbook. :rotf


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#25 Post by cannondale27 »

Should be a great time at Indy.Sounds like quite a few of us will be there.Cant wait to meet Happyboy also.Will have to plan a night out for sure.I wonder if Danger Ranger would give us a tour of the town again?

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#26 Post by jwheat »

People that stiff businesses...especially small private owned businesses.... really irritate me! :mad:

Most people don't understand just how much one deadbeat can hurt a small business' cash flow. It hurts four ways!

1. You don't get paid for your services and parts .

2. The profit off of the next few jobs just goes to cover what your out on the deadbeat's work instead of in your pocket.

3. You miss any profit on work that you could be doing rather than trying to catch back up on your money.

4. You have to take time away from work to see an attorney and go to court to try and get your money back.

I've owned my own business for over nine years and there have been alot of tmes when I just thought "The **** with this! I'll just go to work for someone else and let them worry about how to pay the bills and meet payroll!" That doesn't even count the amount of stress that can put on your family from the amount of time and energy that you spend at work trying make your business profitable.

If you owe Tim money, you need to step up and pay him. Tim is a super nice guy and he bends over backwards to help everyone out.

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#27 Post by Happyboy »

If you want us to make a road trip up to North Arkansas to talk to this kid let us know. It just sucks that he has stiffed you.

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#28 Post by fixthedale »

i'll meet you there Happyboy and we can take it out of his hide!!!!!!!!!!

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#29 Post by acarli3 »

We want names....cough em up!

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#30 Post by haydug »

Tim, I know exactly how you feel! I just got done going through invoices myself, and I have around $10,00 owed to me. I also in turn have a couple outstanding balances to pay (nowhere near what should be paid to me) but it is VERY frustrating when you work on such a small profit margin, and everyone wants to jew on top of that to really try and make it. I would like to have a quarter for every 1 hour I have talked to someone on the phone about there cannondale, or tried fixing their bike on the phone. That takes up my time, shop time, time from paying customers, etc. etc. The straw for me was a guy calling about axle bearings for the dale, he wanted the bearing numbers and seal numbers, I explained that I had them on the wall, he could come pick them up, for $40. He says: "I get a deal at my local shop, so I'll pick them up there". So, I simply explained to him to go to his local shop, and try to figure out what bearings and seals he needed, I know what it takes, and don't really care if he does or not. :drink:

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