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Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 6:00 pm
by timbomoose
Back to what post is about again....... Post were all deleted because of smart azz coments and trouble making. Maybe I should have left up so could be read again to see what I meant. Responses by ****** in this section shows what I meant.Did I say stop posting.No.I just said stop the condescending remarks and troublemaking.I also said you are welcome to post away with your ideas.Can one map work for everyone, No.Different stroke,porting,pipes,and piston size will all affect gas and where is needed.No one can have a perfect map for all of those setups.Should ****** leave the site.No. I still consider ****** as a friend and have enjoyed his company at group rides.Post was made just to get ****** to be a little more considerate.

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 7:33 pm
by Happyboy
Originally posted by ******

SO TIM , this was supposed to be between me and you not  or even 311racer (who I've already talked to).

Fine by me...and keep up the name calling man, you just make yourself look soooo much better than everyone else.

You really do gotta grow up man. I would hate to think you take this attitude with you when you are "protecting" us.

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 8:56 pm
by r.porter
I have seen this discussion on horse power comparing O-ring versus standard chain. This is just one of the independent test results done by Sudco.

Extensive tests indicate that RK O-Ring chains provide absolutely no difference in the rotational drag of equal mass when compared to non O-Ring chains (after a short break-in period of a few miles).

I don't want to pick sides , I just like facts versus hearsay or rumor. I welcome any test results that show a different conclusion.

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 9:05 pm
by Happyboy
Originally posted by r.porter

Extensive tests indicate that RK O-Ring chains provide absolutely no difference in the rotational drag of equal mass when compared to non O-Ring chains (after a short break-in period of a few miles).  

Wow, I had always heard the opposite but it was always just talk with no dyno numbers behind it. hmmm....

Sounds like a challange for the next dyno days. smile.gif

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 9:10 pm
by timbomoose
You got to be kidding me!! a 1 hp gain from this product??(cyclone).

****** believe or not let the dyno be the proof.The cyclone is a velocity stack.There are formulas to use to make them.The stock one's don't match the fomula.Shapes and lengths do affect power curve and max output.Believe or not, up to you,velocity stacks have been proven time and time again.

Calling wistech @#$%%# is just the perfect example of what I'm talking about.John is a extremely nice guy and very intelligent.He has never done anything to you and does not deserve this either.You just keep proving my point.

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 11:52 pm
by cannondale27
Originally posted by ******

You got to be kidding me!! a 1 hp gain from this product??(cyclone). You can gain that much out of a non o-ring chain Or loosing 50-75lbs.

the other one was I said  "I don't really believe you guys understand this systsm I've talked to alot of people who thought they knew the FI system and some who DO know the system and I can tell you guys that from what you guys are saying you are not telling people how to adjust the flow and offset right.

I've added fuel the whole way across the map for an increase in air flow and its working. 27 and Wistech are not the only one that have run their machins with an open filter and and I've sent maps to other people that are running the same system and they are running fine and they are hjappy so I have worked with different setups and YES my method works everytime. But as soon as I say something I get bashed.

A little history here may clear things up:
Combo maps were made by entering each individual number copied off stock maps.Alot of work but awesome for stockers.****** and Jaybr did these.

Ported and stroked motors came out.These required way more fuel but only in certain areas and not at startup.This required more individual entering of numbers along with flow and offset changes to be safe.Mostly just trial and error because it took way to much time to do on a dyno Tim did most of these.Some ended up with a stubborn hesitation right at begining.No amount of flow or offset changes did anything to correct this.Fuel corrections made using flow and offset were shown with AFR to not be possible since one affected other way to much AND there were small areas that the broad adjustments would not cover.

Acarli took the time to do changes within the maps they were NOT throughout the whole range they improved the hesitation issue greatly.Putting this map on dyno I and Tim made other small changes using ProCal which made this possible since time on a dyno did not permit making a map the old way with printed sheet and individual entries.

That is where we are at now.A map that is working great for most but still requires some flow and offset adjustments from stock.Alot of things would have been done differently had we had ProCal and unlimited dyno time or even just the time needed to do mapping by hand.None of us has the time to do this individually.That is why just about everyone has the tools(ProCal)
to come up with even better versions and help each other out.

I havent dynoed my quad with a open airfilter except to do a comparison for Exodus.****** I will still like to see what you can come up with using ProCal and your AFR to make a map of a ported open airfilter motor.Its obvious you have the time and patience from your work on making stock combomaps.That is why YOU were one of the first who got the program.However till you apologize to Wistech for your name calling you can stick your map you know where.

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 12:24 am
by rubicon20032003
However till you apologize to Wistech for your name calling you can stick your map you know where. [/B][/QUOTE]

I don't think that proper for a mod to say and get intell the middle of this problem.Seems kinda bais?

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 1:04 am
by jwheat
[QUOTE]Originally posted by rubicon20032003
However till you apologize to Wistech for your name calling you can stick your map you know where. [/QUOTE]

I don't think that proper for a mod to say and get intell the middle of this problem.Seems kinda bais? [/B][/QUOTE]

Since when does being a mod mean that you don't have an opinion or that you can't get offended by someones comments??

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 1:27 am
by jwheat
Originally posted by ******
Thats the whole porpuse for mods is to STAY NEUTRAL!! Thats why you guys got me knocked off as a mod is because I was biased towards someone elses threories hmmmm:confused: [/B]

No one but you got you knocked out of being a mod. No one else had anything to do with it. rolleyes.gif

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 1:46 am
by CptHook
blah blah blah, drama drama drama.

After all is said and done I think I will call up MTV and work out a deal to get a reality TV show started up for these forums. I could be rich. Anyone else want in? :deal: